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23 September 2021. Making the most of intra-African trade: the 2021 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor

African countries have diversified their exports and trade partners over the last decade, but agricultural trade still lags behind its potential. The pandemic and recent implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) present a critical challenge and an unprecedented opportunity for Africa. The newly launched 2021 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (AATM) examines these recent events, as well as long-term structural issues, and offers recommendations for improving Africa’s competitiveness and increasing agricultural trade flows.

The AATM has become the essential annual African agricultural trade publication, highlighting trends, competitiveness of Africa’s local and global value chains, and regional market integration, along with key policies and opportunities for strengthening trade. 


This seminar explored the 2021 findings, including the impact of COVID-19 and the AfCFTA, and this year’s special focus on regional integration in Northern Africa’s Arab Maghreb Union.



Bouët, Antoine, Tadesse, Getaw, and Zaki, Chahir, eds. 2021. Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2021. Kigali and Washington, DC: AKADEMIYA2063 and IFPRI. 218 p.

The report finds that many African countries continue to enjoy the most success in global markets with cash crops and niche products. At the intra-African level, countries are becoming more interconnected in trade of key commodities, but there remain many potential but unexploited trade relationships.


10 September 2021. AGRF 2021 Summit - Breaking the Barriers to Trade for Stronger Food and Nutrition Security in Africa

The Food Trade Coalition for Africa hosted two sessions during the AGRF 2021 Summit focused on 1) Removing Barriers to Regional Trade in Food Staples and 2) Building Robust Data Systems: The Regional Food Balance Sheet.


The EU Agri-food trade in 2020 report (35 p.) (8 September 2021) marked EU's leading position among the world's biggest exporters of agri-food products in 2020. The basket of EU agri-food exports to Africa is clearly dominated by wheat with a share of 23%. Infant food and other cereals as well as milk powders and whey follow in the list with shares 7-8%, each. The basket of EU agri-food imports to Africa is clearly dominated by cocoa beans, mainly from West Africa, with a share of 23%.