GENE Global Education Youth Award 2024
GENE - Global Education in Europe
Event details
GENE is launching the 5th round of the Global Education Youth Award to highlight quality initiatives in the framework of the European Declaration on Global Education to 2050. This edition of the Award is the first to have a specific focus, highlighting youth-led initiatives.
The award is intended to value Global Education youth-led initiatives that enable young people to reflect critically on the world and their place in it; to open their eyes, hearts and minds to the reality of the world at local and global level; and empowers them to understand, imagine, hope and act to bring about a work of social and climate justice, peace, solidarity, equity and equality, planetary sustainability and international understanding.
Through the Award, GENE also facilitates learning from quality Global Education youth initiatives to improve policy on Global Education and youth across Europe.
In this 5th edition of the Global Education Youth Award, the focus is on youth-led initiatives. What makes you do Global Education youth-led activities in a different way? What is the story behind your youth-led initiative?
Eligible youth-led initiatives are:
🟠 Thematically focused on Global Education, as defined in the European Declaration on Global Education to 2050 (for example global-local challenges, solidarity, sustainability, human rights, global citizenship and social justice through education, for full definition see link).
🟠 Non-formal education initiatives for and by young people.
🟠 Innovative, action-oriented initiatives working towards positive change through youth leadership and youth engagement.
Applicants are encouraged to tell the story of how their initiative contributes to transformative learning and change of perceptions among their audiences and explain in what ways their approach is innovative in their contexts.
Find out more and apply before 9 September 2024
Comments (1)
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Great initiative! This is a project I would like to be a part of as an academia in Education and Community Development. Thank you.