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Evaluation methodological approach

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Dissemination and follow up phase (4)

This section is structured as follows:

Each step of the dissemination and follow up phase is described according to the respective role of :
The evaluation manager
The external evaluation team
Informing the hierarchy
  • The evaluation manager prepares a short summary (1 to 2 pages maximum) pointing out the most relevant conclusions, lessons and recommendations for the hierarchy.
  • Both the report and the summary are sent to the hierarchy accompanied by a cover note signed by the head of unit indicating when the dissemination process is to begin.
Dissemination of report
  • Fifteen days later, or more, if requested by the hierarchy, the manager publishes the report, the summary and the quality assessment grid on the Commission's Internet site.
  • He/she has the summary posted on the concerned DG's Intranet sites, including a link to the report.
  • He/she draws up the dissemination list and sends the report and/or the summary to the concerned services and to the partners.
  • He/she writes an article to facilitate the dissemination of the main conclusions and recommendations.
  • He/she produces a sheet consisting in a summary of recommendations (fiche contradictoire) and collects the opinions of the services that received the recommendations.
  • The answers from the services (2nd column of the fiche contradictoire) are published on the Commission's Internet site.
  • The manager may organise one or several presentations, for example, within one of the following frameworks: Inter-Service Quality Support Group, management meeting of a concerned DG, Member State Committee for the concerned region, thematic / sector network.
  • He/she may ask the evaluation team to participate in the presentation.

Specific situation(s)

Global sector or thematic evaluation

A presentation seminar is organized at the Commission's Head Office or at any other relevant level. This seminar concerns the Commission services involved with the conclusions and recommendations, as well as institutions and external experts. It is held in the presence of the evaluation team.

Follow up of recommendations' use
  • A year after the dissemination of the report, the manager contacts the concerned services and asks them how the recommendations were actually used. This allows for the fiche contradictoire to come to a close (3rd column), which is published on the Commission's Internet site.
  • This stage concludes the evaluation.