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Evaluation methodological approach

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EN: Geographic, thematic and other complex evaluations



Preparatory phase (phase 0)

  • A manager is appointed to conduct an evaluation. He/she sets up the reference group, writes the terms of reference and recruits the external evaluation team.

Desk phase (phase 1)

  • The external evaluation team analyses the logic of the intervention on the basis of official documents and proposes the evaluation questions and judgment criteria (also called "reasoned assessment criteria"). The evaluation questions are validated by the reference group.
  • Then, the team specifies the indicators, provides partial answers to the questions on the basis of existing information.
  • It identifies the assumptions remaining to be tested in the field and develops its work plan for data collection and analysis.

Field phase (phase 2)

  • The evaluation team implements its work plan for data collection both at the head office and in the partner country or countries. It applies the specified techniques (interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, case studies, etc.) and begins to test the assumptions.

Synthesis phase (phase 3)

  • The evaluation team draws up its final report, which includes the findings and conclusions as a response to the questions asked, as well as an overall assessment. This report also includes recommendations that are clustered and prioritised.
  • The final report is subject to a quality assessment.

Dissemination and follow up phase (phase 4)

  • After informing the hierarchy, the evaluation (report, executive summary, article and/or presentation) is disseminated to the concerned services and partners, and is posted on the Commission's website. Take-up of the recommendations is monitored.


Diagram key


Ex ante evaluation