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Evaluation methodological approach

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EN: Project and programme evaluations


Preparatory phase (phase 0)

  • A manager is appointed to conduct an evaluation. He/she sets up the reference group, writes the terms of reference and recruits the external evaluation team.

Desk phase (phase 1)

  • The external evaluation team analyses the logic of the project / programme on the basis of official documents. If not already included in the terms of reference, a set of evaluation questions is proposed and validated by the reference group.
  • The team then specifies the indicators and provides partial answers to the questions on the basis of existing information.
  • It identifies the assumptions remaining to be tested in the field and develops its work plan for data collection and analysis.

Field phase (phase 2)

  • The evaluation team implements its work plan for data collection. It applies the specified techniques (interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, case studies, etc.) and tests the assumptions.

Synthesis phase (phase 3)

  • The evaluation team draws up its final report, which includes the findings and conclusions as a response to the questions asked, as well as an overall assessment. This report also includes recommendations that are clustered and prioritised.
  • The final report is subject to a quality assessment.

Dissemination and follow up phase (phase 4)

  • After informing the hierarchy, the evaluation (report, executive summary, article and/or presentation) is disseminated to the relevant services and partners, and posted on a publicly accessible website. Take-up of the recommendations is monitored.

Ex ante evaluation

Quality assessment grid