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Document info: français (1.52 MB - PDF)
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Comments (2)

Dear Mr van Hemert,


Thank you for your interest.

There is a new joint programming document (aka joint strategy) that covers 2020-2024. Please get in touch with the EU Delegation in Mali to receive the document:

We also have introduced a new public website (Joint Programming Tracker) and you can find a lot of updated info:

Hope this helps you work purposes.


Christos Marazopoulos

Team Leader for Working Better Together as Team Europe

DG International Cooperation and Development

European Commission



Dear Mr. Molteni, 

Is it possible to receive a copy of the 'Mali - Joint Programming Strategy 2014-2018' in English? 

I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards, 

Marnix van Hemert

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