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Note: The local actions may change their components due to the evolution of the measures related to the Covid-19 health emergency that apply in the concerned countries. 



Title: Together to plant 2020 plants to fight desertification

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Ali Abbas Abdeldjalil

Organisation: Dunia Association for Environmental Protection, Chlef- Algeria

Duration: 1-17 June 2020

The action is about organizing a campaign to combat desertification by involving local authorities, youth from Tiaret University and schools located near the region where the activity will take place. This activity aims to raise awareness about environmental issues in the areas affected by desertification. It aims as well to reduce negative human behaviours that threaten the environment by providing education activities on desertification and solving problems associated with desertification. The action leads to a participatory dialogue between the various parties working towards achieving sustainable development and effecting positive changes in people behaviours.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a field visit to the area affected by desertification to explain the importance of afforestation.
  • Organizing an awareness campaign about desertification at Tiaret University and schools.
  • Planting 2020 pistachio plants in a forest area prone to desertification in a steppe town (Wilaya of Tiaret)

Links: Facebook Page Ali Abbas

Hashtags: #10DaysforTheMediterranean  معا للحد من تدهور الأراضي الخضراء# غابتنا متنفسنا#


Title: Eco Med Child

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Hichem Chenaker

Organisation: Cedar Association for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Khenchela, Algeria

Duration: 10-20 June 2020

The environmental pollution caused by the accumulation of plastic materials in the Mediterranean basin is increasing, especially in Algeria. It has become a need to educate people to confront this problem, change their way of thinking to act in the interests of a sustainable and peaceful future.

Eco Med Child is a project to raise awareness among primary schools. It consists of signing a chart with our association stipulating that pupils will fully respect the environment, reduce plastic consumption, use of it once, and encourage recycling.

This action will result in the preservation of the environment, reduction of plastic waste, adoption of good environmental practices at schools, change in their habits and better understanding of climate change and its effects.

Key activities:

  • Organization of awareness campaigns for the benefit of pupils from two primary schools in the province of Khenchela on environmental protection and plastic waste
  • A cleaning operation of two primary schools in the province of Khenchela
  • A tree-planting campaign in two primary schools in the province of Khenchela

Links: ACPEDD40 FB Page

Hashtags: #for_eco_generation


Title: 10 Days for the Mediterranean – Le Matna Ecolo

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Zeineb Mechieche

Organisation : Association DZ explorer, Algeria

Duration : 01-18 June 2020

This action aims to create the first network of young Algerian leaders active in the field of environmental protection with the purpose to work together with countries of the southern Mediterranean that aim to promote an environmental awareness campaign towards achieving sustainable development goals.  The campaign will help participants to understand the importance of preserving ecosystems, assess their everyday habits impact on the environment and support sustainable tourism.  This action will result in increasing the interaction between the activists and deepening their knowledge and understanding of preserving the environment, in addition to encouraging conservation of irreplaceable natural resources.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a virtual training workshop by using the platform Zoom in order to discuss and share experiences.
  • Organizing a guided tour of the El Hamma botanical garden (at the end of the lockdown)
  • Implementing an awareness-raising campaign on the importance of sustainable tourism and environmental protection

Links:  FB Page

Hashtags: #Lematna_Ecolo, # Plastic_Dangers



Title: Eco festival" Be Eco ", The "Environmental Initiatives Forum"

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Radwa Hashim

Organisation: Culture and Environment Department, El Watan newspaper

Duration: 5-20 June 2020

The action is led by Med Dialogue Fellow Radwa Hashem in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the Marine scouts. It aims at stopping the use of plastic to preserve the environment by providing innovative ideas for plastic re-use, bringing the attention of businessmen and decision-makers to the damage caused by plastic waste to the environment,  and urging the media to participate in environmental activities to raise awareness about climate change threats and challenges. People with special needs – including blind people - will take part in these activities, besides documentary filmmakers, wildlife photographers, nature lovers and owners of environmental initiatives, in support of a youth initiative online under the slogan "Art for Life".

Key activities:

  • Launching webinars sessions titled “They are recovering” with a group of environmental experts in biological diversity and recycling.
  • Running 2 competitions: for the best in environmental photography and  short-films ("Environment in minutes").
  • Launching Festival #Be_Eco (which reviews environmental initiatives with its various components, supports the phasing out of the use of plastics and selects the best start-up in terms of environmental preservation)

Links: FB Page

Hashtags: # Eco_festival #Art_ for_life #initiator#stop_plastic اتحضر_للاخضر # بلاها _بلاستك# #سينما -البيئة#


Title: Learning and Teaching for Sustainability

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Aziza Moneer

Organisation: Research Institute for a Sustainable Environment (RISE), Egypt

Duration: 10-20 June 2020

A series of workshops scheduled over 10 days in Cairo, Egypt are organized in support of the development of pedagogical approaches. The purpose is to motivate the learners to act with responsibility towards the local and global environment and take necessary action.

This action aims to encourage good practices and ethics that will contribute to a more knowledgeable and active public working towards achieving a sustainable future.

Along with partners Greenish and the American University in Cairo, Aziza will promote holistic pedagogical methods that acknowledge not only learners' preferences but also their emotions, senses, experiences, and creativity as integrated aspects of their education process. The action targets 12 pupils (school and university levels).

At the end of this action, participating pupils can better understand the environmental issues, and act positively towards the environment in their daily lives. The workshops will be organised online in case of gathering restrictions due to the Covid-19 emergency.

Key activities:

  • Executing creative activities such as drama, gardening, food-making, recycling used materials, crafting and other forms of physical engagements in outdoor environments.
  • Organizing awareness activity to trigger positive environmental behaviors

Link: RISE UTM FB Page

Hashtags: #Junior_Eco leaders_Egypt


Title: Better by Bike

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Heba Ahmad Attia

Organisation: Tabdeel, Egypt

Duration: 10-20 June 2020

The campaign “Better by Bike” will be implemented in Cairo and Alexandria for a period of 10 days. It aims to reduce air pollution through clean transport.

As cycling is still seen as a recreational activity or sport and not a serious mode of transport, this initiative aims to change this habit by encouraging people to cycle to work over a 10-day period, then share their experiences. The campaign promotes a key message “Cycling can be a healthy, clean, and fast commuting option.”  It targets a long-term impact on behavioral change when it comes to modal choice in mobility and advocates for cycling to be an integrated part of the urban mobility scene in Egypt.

The participants will be given incentives, awards, and discounts on bike renting and repairs. The action will also encourage business companies to incentivize their employees to cycle to work, and the local cycling groups to participate in urban mobility.

The campaign comes in a critical time when many cities around the world are building ambitious plans for cycling mobility after easing the lockdown and protective measures against Covid-19, therefore BETTER BY BIKE targets key workers and employees who still need to commute everyday while practicing social distancing. Eventually, the action will change the participants’ habits, provide local authorities with data on cycling routes, safety, and accessibility affecting future urbanism plans; and reduce traffic and air pollution in the two cities.

Key activities:

  • Conducting online campaign to collect bike users pledge for cycling during the 10 days
  • Granting award for best participation
  • Organizing a closing seminar
  • Collecting day-to-day data gathered from the users during the event including feedback on safety and accessibility, distances travelled, etc.

Links:Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Hashtags : #BetterByBike #بالعجلة_أفضل


Title: Qus Environment Days

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Amine Osama

Organisation: Qus Baladna Youth Group

Duration: 15-30 June 2020

The awareness campaign is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Amin Osama and partners Qus Culture House, Qus Educational Directorate, and the Ministry of Environment, and will run for 16 days in Qus, Egypt. The action promotes intellectual and psychological awareness of environmental issues and encourages youth to practice eco-friendly traditional crafts like pottery and Ferka. It targets children, students, and teachers.

The campaign focuses on raising youth awareness on the environmental challenges surrounding them and provides a better understanding of the region’s ecological challenges. It expects to engage participants in recycling, the use of alternative materials, promote Mediterranean cooperation, and introduce audiences to new genre of movies. The film screenings will be organised online in case of gathering restrictions due to the Covid-19 emergency.

Key activities:

  • Screening 4 environmental films (including feature, short, documentary).
  • Conducting workshops for teachers and students to introduce eco-friendly practices like recycling.
  • Running Masterclasses on effects of climate change and best usage of leftover foods.
  • Organizing art exhibition showcasing the outputs of the workshops.
  • Evaluation at the end of the event of changes in participants' behaviour.

Links: Qus Baladna قوص FB Page




Title: Environmental Protection

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Rand Al-Khushman

Organisation: Green Community for Jordan

Duration: 12-21 June 2020

The awareness-raising activity focuses on promoting better agricultural practices and involving a greater number of citizens in environmental action, particularly in Amman and Maan governorates. It is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow, Rand Al-Khushman in partnership with Al-Ahliyya Amman University, SALAAM, Green 4 Jo Team, and Liwan Space and targets around 300 college students and 1000 citizens of both cities. The action aims to increase residents’ sense of responsibility towards their surroundings, by focusing on healthy agricultural practices, such as water-saving irrigation methods and how to safely and cleanly dispose of agricultural wastes in cooperation with the Ministry of Health. Both men and women will be provided with the necessary information on the negative effects of climate change. The campaign is expected to be raising the number of people who believe in and care about environmental issues in Jordan, and increasing the role of youth leaders in addressing climate change.

Key activities:

  • Conducting awareness sessions with public participation on climate change and recycling
  • Organizing a social media campaign
  • Directly engaging people on the street through the project’s ambassadors
  • Showcasing induction videos                                                                            

Links: Green Community FB Page

Hashtags: #green4jo, #مجتمعنا_اخضر


Title: Five Day Training for Syrian Children- Al Zatari Camp           

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Oula Omar Alchayb

Organisation: UNICEF

Duration: 15-25 June 2020

The activity is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow, Oula Omar to study the environmental situation at Al Zatari Camp and raise awareness among refugees about plastic waste and its effect on nature. It targets 30 Syrian children and their parents and will run with the support of volunteers. The effort to raise children’s awareness will take shape as sessions to teach children how to rebuild their country through green architecture, recycling, and plastic use reduction, in addition to related film screenings in Amman. This activity will be followed with student-catered sessions that will provide lesson plans and discussion guides, and work with educators to create experiences for students and teachers alike. The sessions will provide them with the necessary tools to recycle plastic waste and other materials into useful items, such as furniture. The students will also plant trees and help cleaning public spaces in Amman.

The action will result in a better understanding by refugees about plastic pollution, making the products recyclable, and the best usage of recycled materials to make furniture. It will increase their abilities to give high quality contributions to environmental activities in Amman.

Hashtags: #earthdayiseveryday #zerowastelife


Title: Jordanian and Mediterranean Climate change status in responding to covid-19 pandemic

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Haya AlGhrair

Organisation: Green Generation Foundation GGF

Duration: 15 – 25 June 2020

This action is led by Med Dialogue Fellow Haya AlGhrair in partnership with municipalities and Hashemite University. It will run for 11 days and t targets 150 Youth.

This action is focused on creating a green wave in Jordan to take an action for a sustainable growth through the mitigation and adaptation strategies of climate change in the Mediterranean in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.  It also focuses on the marginalized areas affected by climate change and promotes a media campaign encouraging the communities, NGOs, government, decentralization councils and municipalities to organize the same event in different areas and post it on social media, in order to motivate and spread the word about this initiative.


  • Conducting 3 webinar workshops
  • Development of 3 radio episodes
  • Producing 10 videos
  • Setting -up an online campaign

Links:  FB PageTW

Hashtags: #10Days4Med



Title: Meeting the Ecological Challenge in the Mediterranean

Med Dialogue Fellow: Jalal Halawani

Organisation: Lebanese Committee for Environment and Sustainable Development

Duration: 10 June 2020

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the world’s most polluted seas. Thousands of tons of plastic are dumped in it every year. The Big Blue sea is gradually turning into a “sea of garbageas the Mediterranean Sea is almost completely enclosed with no possibility for waste discharge.

It is in this context, this action led by Med Dialogue Fellows Jalal Halawani is to raise public awareness about the danger of plastic bags, bottles, cans, and food packaging thrown by strollers and fishermen on the coastline. The action also aims to advocate with local and national authorities on the urgency of preserving the Mediterranean Sea from anthropogenic pollution. This project will be implemented in partnership with the Palm Islands Nature Reserve (Ministry of the Environment), the fishing port of Tripoli-Mina, the municipalities of Tripoli and Mina, artisanal fishermen and some journalists.

Key activities:

  • Preparation of an audio-visual documentary on marine pollution by plastic waste along the coast of Tripoli.
  • Organization of a campaign to clean up plastic waste in the Palm Islands Reserve and distribution of T-shirts to the participants.
  • Preparation of an information document in Arabic for walkers and fishermen in Tripoli on the danger of plastic waste dumping at sea.
  • Dissemination on social networks of messages to raise awareness of environmental conservation and the fight against marine pollution by anthropogenic waste.
  • Involvement of local authorities in the awareness campaign.

Links: LCESD FB PageYouTube

Hashtags: #LCESD  #Marinepollution


Title: Act Environmentally Friendly

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Nada Halawi

Organisation: Metn Environmental Sustainable Development Organization (MESD)

Duration: 5-15 June 2020

The environmental awareness campaign on climate change will be held in 5 villages of the Higher Metn region in Lebanon. It aims to raise awareness on environmental issues and promote eco-friendly behaviours. The action highly focuses on social media, organize plastic crafts workshops, and dissemination of tools and materials.  It targets local schools, drivers, rural women, domestic helpers, and municipal police.

The campaign will help residents to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle practices in their daily lives, have less waste in the region, and more organic community with less pollutants through the promotion of car-sharing.

Key activities:

•   Conducting school awareness campaigns to ensure sustainability through education

•   Conducting a road awareness campaigns in collaboration with local NGOs through distributing handouts and flyers on carpooling and paper bags for car waste.

•   Organizing recycling workshops targeting 30 women

•   Conducting a virtual training to locals and members of the police in order to apply strict hunting and grazing laws.

Links: Facebook Page: Act Environmentally Friendly, Instagram, Twitter Nada Halawi,

Hashtags: #ActEnvironmentallyFriendly


Title:  National Awareness Campaign on the Lebanese and Mediterranean Biodiversity Conservation

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Rida Boutros

Organization: Jouzour Loubnan Association, Lebanon

Duration: 1-15 June 2020

The environmental awareness campaign is led by the Med Dialogue Rida Boutros in cooperation with the Lebanese association “Jouzour Loubnan” and BCI at Saint Joseph University - College of Science.  It focuses on raising awareness about environmental issues by sensitizing Lebanese citizens, stakeholders, and decision-makers to save the country's forests and natural resources and calling for action and strengthening forest best practices. It also encourages the Lebanese to participate in efforts to conserve forests and biological diversity, through sustainable reforestation in Lebanon. The action aims to reach at least 210,000 citizens residing in Lebanon in addition to 516,000 Lebanese in the diaspora.

Key activities

•   Conducting 10-day online campaign across the following social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Jouzour Loubnan’s website.

•    Producing videos to promote the campaign

Links: Facebook, Twitter , Instagram , YouTube


Hashtags: #Together_we_plant_tomorrows_forests #adoptacedar #Lebanon #JouzourLoubnan



Title: Our Environment, Our Culture

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Ali Ahled Hussein

Organisation: Youth and Giving Organisation, Libya

Duration: 05-15 June 2020

An awareness campaign targeting Sebha City, Libya, aimed at educating the population about the dangers of plastic waste and change their behaviours to contribute to environmental preservation. It is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Ali Ahmed Hussein in partnership with the city’s council and local organisations

Sebha suffers from waste accumulation in residential areas due to dump sites being close to some neighborhoods such as Hay Abdel Kafi, and the absence of a recycling plant in southern Libya. In many cases, waste is burned and the resulting smoke spreads to cities, causing emissions of greenhouse gases and an increase in respiratory issues among the residents. Therefore, this action will work on informing the local community of how to reduce plastic waste, through practices such as removing waste from streets and waterways, reducing use of nylon bags, and separating plastic from other types of waste like food remains for recycling purposes.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a social media opinion poll to assess the population’s awareness of the campaign’s topics
  • Organising an online seminar with the participation of personalities from civil society interested in the environment and the municipal council, as well as from the General Cleaning Company
  • Sharing a promotional video and leaflet to raise awareness about Plastic's dangers and setting up an advocacy campaign on social media
  • Running a drawing competition on plastic material damages and innovative recycling
  • Producing a video recording competition on limiting the use of plastic and/or household plastic waste recycling

Links: Youth Giving Org. FB Page

Hashtags: #بيئتنا_دليل_ثقافتنا #صحتنا_في_بيئتنا


Title: 10 days for the Mediterranean Challenge

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Cher Saadi

Organisation: Better Libya organization

Duration: 1-10 June 2020

The action is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Cher Saadi and her organisation Better Libya, in partnership with the Municipality of Tripoli Center, Libyan Scouts, and local influencers. It is an online campaign to encourage people to take part in the challenge by going waste-free for 10 days and documenting their experiences.  In addition to organizing several beach clean-ups event across all coastal cities in Libya. It targets 200 schools and university students, 50 Scouts, and 50 civil society actors.

The 10-day’s goal is to give people a chance to experience a cleaner, sustainable lifestyle, and directly show them the importance of combating pollution and preserving the environment for themselves and future generations. This action will also start a national dialogue about the dangers of climate change and push policymakers to consider it. The action hopes to engage a minimum of 1000 members of the public and leave a positive impetus among students towards protecting the environment.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a social media campaign to promote the challenge.
  • Launching an event including a 90-minute lecture about plastic pollution, climate change, and the Mediterranean Sea today, follow by a screening of an environmental film.
  • Documenting The 10-day Challenge
  • Organizing community beach cleanups with volunteers.

LinkBetter Africa FB Page

Hashtags: #10Days4Med #10DaysforTheMediterraneanChallenge


Title: Our Environment after the Pandemic                         

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Wajd Alsaadi

Organisation: Chlorophyll

Duration: 1-10 June 2020

The action aims to increase community awareness on the impact of the daily lifestyle on the environment and raise the concern about the absence of environmental policies to protect the biodiversity in Libya.  A list of recommendations will be shared with the stakeholders and authorities to help launch a dialogue on environmental policies.

Key activities:

  • Conducting an outreach campaign: implemented throughout the timeframe of this action using Facebook and Twitter media platforms.
  • Organizing webinar sessions with guest experts from different background to share their views and recommendations on protecting environment after Covid-19 and to celebrate Environment Day 2020. The action will launch the event in partnership with the Ministry of Environment.
  • Producing a short video on why it is important to take actions towards protecting the environment.

Link: Chlorophyll  Facebook Page

Hashtags: # كلوروفيل, # بيئتنا_ما_بعد_الجائحة #chlorophyll_LY



Title: Eco Child

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Abderrahmane Diop

Organisation: SDGs for Mauritania

Duration: 15-30 June 2020

This action is led by Med Dialogue Fellow Abderrahmane Diop in partnership with SDG for Mauritania (in Mauritania), Change Alliance for Development (in Tunisia) and Med Dialogue Fellow Dhekra Elhidri from Tunisia.

Tunisia and Mauritania, like many North African countries, are facing pollution from plastic waste (bags and cans), deforestation (especially in Mauritania) and marine pollution. This is particularly the case of the coastal city of Bizerte in Tunisia, which is confronted with various forms of pollution. In this governorate, the income of many inhabitants comes essentially from fishing or agriculture. Human activity must therefore be controlled to limit the damage that can occur.

The objective of this action is to focus on raising awareness by educating the children of the two countries on the preservation and protection of their ecosystem and the consideration of the environment in their daily activities.

Key activities:

  • Organization of two online training sessions on "Environmental protection, how to initiate children"
  • Production of a series of cartoon videos "Eco-Child / Eco-Heroes". These videos will be in Mauritanian dialect with subtitles in French and Arabic to be  shared on Facebook: the idea is to produce 4 videos (2 videos by Diop Abderrahmane and 2 videos by Dhekra Elhidri) and share them together in order to have Eco Child in the 2 countries in parallel (Tunisia and Mauritania) and maximize the chances of visibility and positive impact.

Link:  FB Page

Hashtags : #EcoChild #EcoHero #Zero_waste


Title: Conference on the Ecological Challenges in Mauritania       

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Sidia Ahmed Moussa                                            

Organisation: The Mauritanian Organization for social solidarity and environment protection (OMASSAPE)

Duration: 12-22 June 2020

The action is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Sidia Ahmed Moussa in collaboration with the Mauritanian Young Scientists Network and OMASSAPE. It involves 10 researchers, 15 civil society actors, and 20 students.  The action will schedule an event gathering academics and students to discuss the ecological challenges that Mauritania has faced in the past 10 years, with a focus on how to combat climate change and deforestation. It will consist of workshops, open panels, and a field activity such as cleaning public spaces and planting trees.

Key activity:

Running a conference workshop aiming to provide space for experts, students, and civil society actors to discuss in depth and raise awareness on the ecological issues requiring urgent attention in the country. It will allow participants to share their experiences and achievements, and propose answers to the following questions:

•  What systems must change, and why is it so hard to change them?

•  What kind of systemic alternatives are desirable and feasible in the economic, political, social, and cultural spheres?

•  What strategies could environmental movements adopt in order to achieve system change?

In addition to these open discussions, participants will have a workshop on how to implement sustainable development goals.



Title:  The Environmental Monitor for preserving the environment and facing climate change

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Rachid Ben-Sghrayar

Organisation: Youth Center for Research and Development

Duration: 10- 20 June 2020

The advocacy campaign is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow, Rachid Ben-Sghayar in Guelmim Oued Noun, Morocco in partnership with Anna Lindh Moroccan Network, the Regional Directorate for Environment and Sustainable Development, civil society associations. The aim is to mobilise support for preserving the environment.

The campaign will launch a discussion on climate change in the region and provide recommendations in this regard to local government bodies. The action will conduct a capacity building workshop for 15 participants in environmental monitoring mechanisms and enable the researchers and those interested in the subject of the environment at the regional level (coming from different scientific disciplines) to display their work and the summary of their research on environmental violations and challenges in Guelmim, Morocco.

Key activities:

  • Organizing a National Symposium on “Climate Change in the Region of Guelmim-oued Noun, Problems and Solutions” in the CJRD Facebook page
  • Organizing a Mediterranean Regional Symposium (with Authorities, Civil Society) on the question of environmental challenges in the Mediterranean Region “Morocco Model” on the CJRD Facebook page.
  • Conducting training courses in environmental monitoring techniques (environmental advocacy) through Zoom online platform. 
  • Launching an environmental podcast and which will continue to be produced even after the end of this activity. 

All the activities will be run online.

Link: CJRD Facebook Page

Hashtags:#مشروع_المراقبة_البيئية #The_Environmental_Monitor_Project – #Youth_Center_for_Research_and_Development #Guelmim_Oued_Noun #Guelmim_moving


Title:    Energy transition in Morocco: What role for young people and NGOs?

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Rachid Ennassiri                                

Organisation: Moroccan Youth Centre for Sustainable Energy, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

Duration: 10-20 June 2020

This action is led by Med Dialogue Fellow Rachid Ennassiri in partnership with the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN) and the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE).

This action aims to have an idea about institutional and governmental efforts to boost the role of young people and civil society for an accelerated energy transition.

It also aims to share the experiences and good practices of young entrepreneurs and NGOs actors working in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency and formulate recommendations for young people and civil society actors for more involvement in the field of energy transition in Morocco.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a meeting with national and local stakeholders, then with target groups, to identify synergies and needs and discuss possible solutions and methods of intervention
  • Running a series of webinars:
  • 1st webinar: overview and perspectives of institutional and governmental efforts to boost the role of young people and civil society in the Kingdom's renewable energy transition.
  • 2nd Webinar: Emphasis on lessons learned from the Summer School: "Involvement of civil society in the energy transition"; Foster citizen engagement: civil society participation in the energy transition, awareness of the local population on energy issues; Presentation of the Moroccan Youth Center for Sustainable Energy (CJMED).
  • 3d webinar: exchange of experiences on Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energies in Morocco
  • Capitalizing of the common action and presenting lessons learned (report, pictures and press & Media coverage of the event): Boost the social media of the Moroccan Youth Center for Sustainable Energy; Promote experiences of the Moroccan young people initiatives on renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Creation of the official website of the Moroccan Youth Center for Sustainable Energy

Link: Phrenos website

Hashtags: #Sustainable_Energy #EnergyTranisition #CJMED



Title: Palestinian Youth for the Environment               

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Ahmad Qadi

Duration: 20-30 June 2020

The advocacy campaign led by Med Dialogue Fellow Ahmad Qadi and the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority, will run for 11 days in Ramallah. It aims to create a sustainable electronic magazine focusing on environmental issues answering to the needs of youth groups working on various aspects of ecological challenges in Palestine. It targets environment protection activists, journalists, and human rights defenders. This action will generate young activists and journalists interested in environmental issues, a sector that is lacking in Palestine, and will intensify the networking between them.

Key activities:

  • Creating a website and social media accounts to inform targeted groups about ecological challenges in Palestine.
  • Building a core-group of Palestinian environment defenders.

Links: Jarmaqmag Facebook Page

Hashtags: ##فلسطينيون_من_أجل_البيئية#قضايا_بيئية  #البيئة_بتهمنا


Title: The Sea is Ours 2020

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Ali Mhanna

Organisation: CIVITAS, Gaza, Palestine

Duration: 15-30 June 2020

The action is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Ali Mhanna in partnership with the Gaza Municipality and Civitas Association. The main activity is to reconstruct the marine site of “The Sea is Ours” project to make it a launch pad for its advocacy campaign in the summer. The action aims to reduce negative behaviours practiced by beachgoers in Gaza, by conducting a raising awareness through creative activities, such as theatre and crafts. The end goal is to preserve an area of 5 kilometres from the seashore. The target audience consists of youth aged 19-25, of 10 youth teams in the city, and up to 3000 attendants on the beach.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a public information campaign targeting local communities at large, via informative brochures and social media networks
  • Signing MoU with the Gaza Municipality to host activities and cover a 5-kilometre area from shore to be cleaned and preserved.
  •  Organizing awareness-raising campaigns with volunteers and trained professionals; recycling workshops; nighttime tours; storytelling sessions; games and competitions; art installations; debates with audience members and policymakers.
  • Planning in collaboration with the Municipality and consultation with the participants, sustainable activities going beyond the common action period.

Links: 7amleh FB Page

Hashtags: #البحر_النا_2020


Title: Simulation and Design of a basic business model in agriculture

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Yahya Sayhoun

Organisation: International Platform of NGOs Working for Palestine

Duration: 20-30 June 2020

Gaza suffers from the destruction of most of its lands fit for agricultural crops due to factors such as saturation with pesticides and chemicals; a pollution rate of 95% in its aquifer, making it unfit for irrigation and drinking; a high population density that depends on those crops; and the risk of income loss for 30 thousand farmers. Therefore, it is vital to find alternative methods and reduce harmful practices, and cultivate new, high quality crops.

The action focuses on testing new agriculture trends and finding alternative methods that fit the nature of Gaza, to combat soil pollution, water poverty, and other effects of climate change. It is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Yahya Sahyoun in collaboration with local authorities and other local organisations.

This action aims to utilise “wasteland” areas to design productive agricultural societies and facilities, produce high-quality crops with good investment returns to support the local community ,introduce new crops and use unconventional methods that require fewer biological materials and build support and relationships to ensure continuation of the project in a sustainable manner and transform it from a simulation activity into a solid practice with a physical dimension and wide reach.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a capacity building workshop for young researchers and students with experts in the environmental field: this will introduce relevant parties to unconventional methods and better irrigation practices.
  • Designing a business model based on those alternative practices with a focus on overcoming pesticide and water problems.

Hashtags : #Extend_Humanitarian #Extend #امتداد_إنساني



Title: Community Organisations Working on a Policy that Supports the Environment in the City of Hasaka

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Alva Ali

Organisation: PEL-Civil Waves Organisation

Duration:10-20 June 2020

The awareness campaign led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Alva Ali in partnership with the Office of Organisation Affairs and local CSOs, in Hasaka, Syria, is aiming to study the excessive use of plastics by civil society organisations (CSOs) during workshops in the absence of dedicated environment- protection policies in the organisation, in addition to drafting a recommendation paper regarding the issue.

After conducting a study on plastic waste produced by CSOs, this initiative will provide local organisations and representatives of the Office of Organisation Affairs with a platform to discuss the issue and possible solutions. The participants will come up with recommendations for an internal policy regarding environment protection measures to be adapted by the organisations. This action hopes to result in an increased awareness among CSOs regarding their role in preserving the environment, and the implementation and promotion of a policy dedicated to reducing plastic waste.

Key activities:

  • Conducting a study on environmental practices by CSOs
  •  Holding individual discussions on relevant issues and collecting recommendations
  • Establishing an environmental forum

Link: Civil Waves FB Page


Title: A Little Farmer

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Ahmed Ferhat

Organisation: Focus Magazine Aleppo

Duration: 6-7 June 2020

An environmental awareness event set to take place at the Mardin Syrian Refugee Community in Turkey, led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Ferhat Ahmad from Syria, in cooperation with the Rayhan Organisation. The event aims to teach around 50 children about agriculture and its role in maintaining environmental balance and building society, and how it can be applied to help restore war-torn Syria.

This intervention is meant to promote a culture of responsibility and care, where each person contributes since childhood to the preservation of their surroundings and the planet. The children will learn about plants life in Syria and its nature, and how to take care of the plants.

Key activities:

  • Organizing educational activities for Syrian refugee kids about important flora in their country and how the war has affected it.   
  • Screening of an informative video on the importance of trees
  • Organizing theatre plays by Syrian college students
  • Conducting a field trip to the “Beyaz su” of Midyat city
  • Planting trees with kids, in Midyat city
  • Organizing a clean-up event of a public park from plastic waste, with kids involvement
  • Offering olive trees to the kids with a manual on how to plant and take care of them

Link: Sada Alshaam Facebook Page

Hashtags: #اغرس_لسوريا #10Days4Med


Title: Act Green, Syria

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Tasnim Hemmadeh

Duration: 12-30 June 2020

An awareness and education campaign in Hamah City, Syria, aimed at promoting sustainable housing, creating a policy paper on renewable energy, and the introduction of a discussion platform for environmental advocates in the country. The campaign includes training sessions, discussions, launching a mobile app, making, and releasing related videos. It targets a group of trainees, freelance engineers, expert trainers, and members of the public. It is led by Med Dialogue Fellow Tasnim Hammadeh.

This action works on laying the first block to building a community interested in renewable energy, by providing a week of training culminating in the delivery of a policy paper on renewable energy. This paper would be the first of its kind in Syria and will be drafted from a youth perspective with the input of experts and advocates. It also aims to raise awareness on sustainable housing through a mobile app that allows users to explore a 3D model, and make videos about environmental initiatives in Syria and promote them on a Facebook page that will serve as a discussion hub for activists.

Key Activities:

  • A 6-day training workshop to teach college graduates about renewable energy, the current energy situation in Syria, green entrepreneurship, better transportation in cities, former experiences and lessons learned from around the world.
  • A policy paper will be drafted based on what the trainees learned
  • Developing a mobile application
  • A social media campaign targeting Syrian youth
  • 5 videos of environmental-related success stories

Link: Act Green Syria FB Page

Hashtags: #BuildingForGenerationToCome #لنبني_لأجيال_سوريا_القادمة



Title: Eco Med Child

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Dhekra Elhidri

Organisation: Change Alliance for Development (CAD)

Duration: 15-30 June 2020

In Tunisia, environmental pollution, particularly due to plastic waste, is a real challenge, where Tunisia ranks fourth in terms of plastic products consumption in the Mediterranean region.

In response, the association “Change Alliance for Development” finds it necessary and urgent to start raising awareness and educating children who are the future seeds of sustainable development. The association is implementing a participatory and inclusive campaign entitled “Eco Med Child'' in collaboration with several public private partners and civil society organisations.

Given the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, the project will focus on an online awareness campaign for children through their parents. It will be implemented in partnership with "ODD pour la Mauritanie/SDG for Mauritania" and Med Dialogue fellows Diop Abderrahmane from Mauritania. Eco Med Child is thus a project to raise awareness among children aged 6 to 12 years to be Eco Child/ Eco Hero. The children will commit to respect all the points and adopt the Eco-gestures to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic. The action is expected to induce change in the behaviour of children about the prevention and reduction of waste, particularly plastic waste and foster a culture of environmental commitment among children.

Key activities:

  • Conducting 3-day training sessions for students with an agronomic background, on the theme of ecology and the environment and how to collaborate with children.
  • Producing series of cartoon videos "Eco-Child / Eco-Heroes". These videos will be in Mauritanian dialect with subtitles in French and Arabic.  These animated series to be shared on Facebook: the idea is to produce 4 videos (2 videos by Dhekra Elhidri and 2 videos by Diop Abderrahmane) and share them together in order to have Eco Child in the 2 countries in parallel (Tunisia and Mauritania) and maximize the chances of visibility and positive impact.
  • Launching an awareness campaign in virtual mode on Facebook

Links: Change Alliance For Development FB Page

Hashtags: #EcoChild, # Zero_waste, #Zéro_déchet, الطفل_البيئي#


Title: The city of Kram without plastic waste

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Emna Fourati

Organisation: Kram Development and Environment Association (ADEK)

Duration:  1-10 June 2020

Led by the Med Dialogue Fellow Emna Fourati, this action consists of implementing an advocacy campaign, in partnership with the municipality of the Tunisian city of Kram, and the association of development and environment of Kram on the ecological challenges facing the region, with focus on plastic waste. It also aims to inform citizens at large on ways to reduce the use of plastic and initiate the action of sorting plastic waste.

This action will help to create a better understanding of the ecological challenges of the Kram area through environmental awareness and education campaigns, to involve different actors to reduce the use of plastic (municipality, citizens, NGOs), and to create of a sorting and recovery cycle for plastic waste

Key activities:

  • Conducting an advocacy campaign with the municipality of Kram
  • Advocating with the person in charge of the collection and recovery of plastic waste
  • Installing dumpsters in the city of Kram
  • Running an online awareness campaign (webinars, video, brochures) to sensitize Internet users (especially the citizens of the city of kram) to environmental issues.

Links: Local Climate Action FB Page

Hashtags: #10ClimateAction #10ClimateChange #10SaveOurPlanet


Title:  Environmental campaign: clean-up, awareness-raising and environmental animation حملة تونسنا أنظف   

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Najoua Khlaifi

Organisation: INMAA Association for Development and Entrepreneurship & Agro-ValoriZ, Tunisia

Duration: 13 June 2020

Having a better environment to live in is a human right. Therefore, this action aims to organize a campaign to embellish an urban green area located in El Wahat City, Aouina despite its strategic location in the heart of a chic neighbourhood, this urban garden is neglected, dirty and poorly laid out. The action consists of cleaning this area, beautifying it, and installing benches and garbage cans.

To attract more participants and raise awareness on the importance of a clean environment, the action will facilitate a children's session on environmental issues. The aim of this action is to make citizens (adults and children) aware of the importance of green spaces and the cleanliness of the environment by involving them in the cleanliness of local green spaces. It will be implemented in partnership with Association Positiver and Citizen Hub Tamk-In, Agro-ValoriZ, municipality of La Goulette, city beautification committee within the municipality of La Goulette, and ANGED.

Key activities:

  • Corresponding with the partners and the National Waste Management Agency
  • Launching the event via social networks
  • Printing and distribution of the posters in various institutions, especially those that are places of attraction for young people and children (youth centres, universities, etc.)
  • Purchasing benches and garbage cans
  • Purchasing masks, gloves and garbage bags and planning of coffee and lunch breaks for participants during the awareness campaign

Hashtags: #Positiver  #تونسنا_أنظف #بلدية_حلق_الوادي  #AgrovaloriZ


Title:  Citizens for the recovery of household waste

Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Slim Ben Abdallah

Organisation: Magnolia Association, Tunisia

Duration: 1-10 June 2020

This action is led by the Med Dialogue Fellow, Slim Ben Abdallah. It will be implemented in partnership with the Municipality of Agareb, located in the region of Sfax. The aim is to raise the public awareness on the environmental problems in the southern Mediterranean.

80 persons will directly benefit from this action including 43 women and 37 men who will be trained in selective sorting, recovery of household waste and composting. The sessions shall focus on: Sorting waste in garbage cans and reducing the amount of household waste destined for the landfill.

Key activities:

  • Launching a raising awareness campaign to educate residents of the Rafaha Agareb city on the importance of recycling household waste.
  • Supporting local stakeholders for the proper management of household waste.
  • Installing composters for organic waste.

Links: Magnolia Association FB Page

Hashtags: #association_magnolia




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Capacity Development
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