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Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity

On January 15, 2021 has begun the regional common action "Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity", launched by the EU-Programme Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality. "Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity" is an advocacy and awareness-raising initiative including 29 actions taking place in 10 Arab countries of the Mediterranean region and aiming at promoting the concept and the practice of Social and Solidarity Economy. Launched in the framework of Med Dialogue Leaders, a capacity-building scheme for young leading activists, the common action was discussed together by the involved young leaders on the occasion of an online bootcamp organized from 14 - 18 October 2020.

The Common action's activities will mainly take place in the last two weeks of January 2021, while some of them will continue also beyond that period. They include a range of different types of activity, both online and offline: from entrepreneurship initiatives to training sessions, from local advocacy events to public sensitization conferences, from thematic documentary films to social economy incubators. 

"Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity" is an attempt to bring together social solidarity economy young operators beyond national borders, to build a common vision about economic challenges in the region and consolidate synergies for future cooperation within this new generation of entrepreneurs and active citizens. 

Note: Components and implementation dates of the local actions may change due to the evolution of the measures related to the Covid-19 health emergency that apply in the concerned countries. 

Communication notice: Med Dialogue Leaders’ Common action "Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity




Action Title:   Social and Solidarity Economy & Energy (SSEE)

Leader's name and country: Hichem Chenaker – Algeria

Organization and partners:  Cedar Association for the protection of the environment and sustainable development. Khenchela, Algeria.

Period of implementation: 15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021

Action description:  the action is about building the capacity development of young people by enhancing awareness and technical capability in solar pumping system for drip irrigation in the Sahara of Khenchela province. The aim is to increase agricultural production, create green employment and analyze the possibility of generalizing this alternative agricultural production.

Activities: conducting workshops to raise awareness among university students on the social and solidarity economy (SSE), organizing training sessions for young people on how to install and maintain solar panels for irrigation in isolated sites, meeting between the employment support systems (ANSEJ, ANGEM and CNAC) to obtain a micro-credit for an income-generating activity and, providing technical support and advice to ensure project continuity.

Links and hashtags:







Action Title:   CAIROGO Sharing

Leader's name and country: Abdelrahman Emad Bakry - Egypt

Organization and partners:  Tabdeel, Cairo

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021

Action description: community orientation towards using a cargo-bike. The aim is to build a community around sharing rather than consuming by focusing on making sharing cheaper, better, more convenient, and more fun. In addition, creating a sharing system that serves the bike users underserved by the market in Egypt and introducing an alternative sustainable model for logistic mobility that is socially and environmentally responsible. 

Activities: implementing an awareness media campaign by using videos that shows the multiple uses of the cargo-bike, organizing an awareness raising event by inviting people to test bike rides and orienting them to opening sharing system and creating a membership- shared system governance with the community.

This initiative allows every member to experiment riding a cargo bike.  Targets members of the sharing system are at least 50 per year, including at least 30% of women who will get access to affordable mobility.

Links and hashtags:


#عشر_نقل  #مشاركة_عجل_البضائع






Action Title: Promote entrepreneurship culture

Leader's name and country: Marian Melad - Egypt

Organization and partners: civil society Organizations at the local level (CBOs), The University's career  Development Centers, MSMEDA ( small and medium enterprises development agency )

Period of implementation: 20/01/2021- 31/01/2021

Action description: the action aims to create a generation of entrepreneur driven by self-employment culture. Expected results of this action are 10 young people equipped with entrepreneurial skills ready to spread the entrepreneurship culture among their peers and the implementation of an awareness campaign on entrepreneurship on social media.

Activities and target groups: conducting a workshop for 10 youth from 18 to 35 years old on developing entrepreneurial skills, providing youth with ideas and application models as an output for training to adopt the awareness campaign, as well as designing and implementing a campaign through social media to educate youth about the importance of entrepreneurial and self-employment.

Links and hashtags:






Action Title: NA

Leader's name and country: Aya Youssef - Egypt

Organization and partners: Mentor Hangouts

Period of implementation: NA

Action description: strengthening the capacity of 30 leaders on social entrepreneurship and raising awareness about the SSE concept in the community through training and public outreach.

Activities and target groups: training 30 youth on social entrepreneurship and outreach activities.

Links and hashtags: #Med_Innov4Solid





Action Title:   Tourism a Vehicle for Women's Empowerment

Leader's name and country: Rola Fayyad - Jordan

Organization and partners:  Viavii and Through Local Eyes

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021

Action description:   The aim of this action is to deliver meaningful opportunities for 5 local hosts and businesses of women and youth in marginalized communities and prepare them for the high season tourism expected after the post-vaccine.  The action will allow these women to access to larger markets and benefit of sustaining income-generation.

Activities: Developing a training course for a group of potential women and youth small entrepreneurs in local hosts communities, on using digital channels in tourism, digitizing tourism experiences, and accessing the online travel and tourism market. In addition to conducting a workshop on Jan 19th, 2021 on digitalization in tourism for local hosts groups.

Links and hashtags:,









Action Title:   Empowering Economically Women Home-based Business Owners.

Leader's name and country: Mai Abu Idad - Jordan

Organization and partners:  Step of Hope association

Period of implementation:  15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021

Action description:  the action will help in developing the home business of these women by learning about digital marketing. The aim is to improve their standard of living conditions for them and their family through effectively promoting their products.

Activities: conducting training sessions on technical managerial skills, e-marketing, arts of photography and social media.

Links and hashtags:







Action Title:   Toward a Digital Technology Perspective of Entrepreneurship

Leader's name and country: Oday Tawalbeh - Jordan

Organization and partners: Jordan Development Network (JDN), civil society Organizations and activists.

Period of implementation:  15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021

Action description:  the event targets 150 young entrepreneurs from all governorates of the Kingdom. The aim is to create an entrepreneurial youth community by encouraging them to enroll in a training course on digital technologies in order to pursue their path as entrepreneurs and thus contribute to achieving sustainable development goals.

Activities: setting up a website , conducting online training for two days from creativity to pitching of digital entrepreneurial projects providing mentorship and coaching to help the trainees in their projects, creating a space to display participants’ digital creative ideas, developing a promotional video about the participatory solidarity economy to be published on JDN Social Media platforms.

Links and hashtags:

#DevelopmentInJordan #JDN #Jordan #Development #Volunteer #JordanDevelopment #Entrepreneurship #DevelopmentEmpowerment #LoveJO #EUinJordan #Social #Network






Action Title:   My right to Work.

Leader's name and country: Wisam Khalifa - Jordan

Organization and partners:  Syndrome of Change

Period of implementation:  15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021

Action description:   the aim is to strengthen the social responsibility about law enforcement for PWDs rights and improve their integration and cohesion in the labour market by building their capacities and increasing the awareness about their rights to work.

Activities: conducting four-day training to build the capabilities and skills of people with mental disabilities to increase their employment opportunities and organizing an awareness campaign on social media for 5 days to share PWDs success stories, visions, aspiration for people with mental disability.

Links and hashtags:







Action Title:    Innovators for the Solidarity Economy of the Mediterranean

Leader's name and country:  Mohammad Almahamid – Jordan

Organization and partners: Arab Renaissance Organization for Democracy and Development, Grove of Love Association, Asfour Taekwondo Center.

Period of implementation:  21/01/2021-24/01/2021

Action description: the action provides training services for youth groups on social and solidarity economy. The objective is to raising awareness of 10 young people by organizing various sport events and conducting training sessions on solidarity economy skills.

Activities: conducting training sessions and theatrical performance of “My village” play which introduces the solidarity economy and offering a set of sports to support the social solidarity economy.

Links and hashtags:











Action Title:     Walk for Unity

Leader's name and country:   Jad Salha – Lebanon

Organization and partners:  Ras El Maten youth Organization. MESD

Period of implementation:  15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021                                   

Action description:   Walk for Unity is an eco-friendly and sustainable project, a hiking trail that brings together people and creates a safe space for dialogue to solve issues such as social cohesion. The main objective and expected results of this project are promoting social cohesion, building capacities for 25 local guides through multiple workshops and creating job and volunteer opportunities. What distinguish this project is solving social issues through sports such as hiking.

Activities: conducting workshops on effective communication skills creative problem solving, and public speaking skills for 25 local guides, 200 hikers, 20 local merchants and members of councils of Ras el Maten municipality, developing a hiking trail bringing together people from different backgrounds and providing a safe space for dialogue and organizing fire-camps for local guides.

Links and hashtags:

#hiking #Lebanon #Highermaten #beirut #walk #unity #europeanunion #EU #MedDialogue






Action Title: Our Voices are Louder

Leader's name and country:    Linda Panjarian - Lebanon

Organization and partners:   Demokratia

Period of implementation:  23/01/2021 – 26/01/2021

Action description:    the action is about empowering women survivors of GBV as well gender marginalized groups by increasing their economic resources and reducing gender inequalities in their community.

Activities: organizing an artistic expression exhibition portraying gender and discrimination through art such as drawing, singing, graphic design, dancing, producing a one-minute short film depicting the struggle of women every day in their lives, and platform (either live bazar or online) for women small business (jam making, knitting, oil…)

Links and hashtags:, instagram: demokratia. Life

#SawtnaA3la, #16daysofactivism, #TopplethePatriarchy, #Med_Innov4Solid





Action Title: Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity

Leader's name and country: Khoder Eid - Lebanon

Organization and partners: Med Up project (oxfam) funded by EU, Youth Leadership programme YLP funded by UNDP, TEC (Tripoli Entrepreneurs Club), OMDI project (makesense)

Period of implementation: 15/01/2021- 31/01/2021

Action description: spread the awareness about the importance of sorting at source (environmental project) in 150 buildings but as an example for the circular economy in one hand and for the social solidarity economy (as his impact) in the other hand, in one of the poorest cities on the Mediterranean Sea (Tripoli) that suffer from a waste problem (environmentally), from a declining economy and a lack of social solidarity to solve this problem. The expected results are 5 volunteers trained and collaborate to deliver an awareness campaign about the waste problem and how the SSE concept can be the model to solve it. Results expected that 150 building residents took the training and the tools needed about how to sort the waste and start sorting at source.

Activities and target groups: Training for 5 volunteers, deliver awareness for 150 Buildings by painting their roofs with Green Track Logo after the 5 previous steps, and making a 2-to-3-minute video.

Links and hashtags: #Med_Innov4Solid





Action Title:  Mentor Hangouts

Leader's name and country:     Alaa Abdulsamad - Libya

Organization and partners:   Mentor Hangouts

Period of implementation:   24th-28th January 2021

Action description:  the action is about building capacity of young entrepreneurs and meeting other entrepreneurs to get a deeper insight into their own business and provide additional business opportunities, therefore becoming more involved in community initiatives related to social and solidarity economy.

Activities: conducting a webinar for a group of young entrepreneurs on SSE, organizing a workshop lead by selected experts/mentors on specific thematic related to SSE (e-commerce, marketing, photography…) and selecting a small group for an internship/mentorship program.

Links and hashtags:

#MentorHangouts #SocialSolidarityEcon #Med_Innov4Solid





Action Title:  Educating society about Social and Solidarity Economy

Leader's name and country:     Hetam Yousaf khalleefah Al-Zahaf - Libya

Organization and partners:   Sonnaa Al Amal

Period of implementation:    23/01/2021- 26 /01/2021

Action description:   the aim of this action is to promote the concept of social and solidarity economy and its importance in supporting the most vulnerable groups, enhance the role of social initiatives and involvement of relevant authorities in these initiatives. The expected results are increasing the number of people interested in the solidarity economy and community participation in 7 Libyan cities located in west coast and raising the state of awareness among many young people about the importance of this activity. 

Activities and target groups: preparing an evaluation questionnaire to educate different groups on economic solidarity, in order to know the aspects that will be emphasized in the media campaign, publishing a photo, video and brochure on the solidarity economy, sending text messages on phones containing awareness of the solidarity economy, monitoring and evaluation at the end of the campaign.

Links and hashtags:

الاقتصاد التضامني#

اعرف ماهو الاقتصاد التضامني#

كلنا من اجل اقتصاد مستدام#






Action Title:  SANAD

Leader's name and country:     Hamdi Ahmed Mohamed Beledey - Libya

Organization and partners:   Kesaa association and Hamzt Wasl Center

Period of implementation:   16 /01/2021- 21/01/2021

Action description:  The aim is to empower economically marginalized women by building their capacity in social and solidarity economy and providing them with a series of workshops on making sweets and e-marketing.

Activities: Launching a promotional campaign to introduce the goals of the solidarity social economy through social media, setting up a candy-making course and distributing operating tools to female trainees to start working at home and organizing follow-up meetings to monitoring and coaching.

Links and hashtags:

#حوار_المتوسط #الاقتصاد_الاجتماعي_التضامني






Action Title:  Online workshop week

Leader's name and country:     Mohamed Saleck Heyine - Mauritanie

Organization and partners:   Réseau des Jeunes Scientifiques Mauritaniens (RJSM)

Period of implementation:   18/01/2021- 21/01/ 2021

Action description: the aim is to promote social entrepreneurship in Mauritania by strengthening the capacities of at least 50 young people in Mauritania in terms of SSE and by strengthening their capacities in project management. The action will help foster networking between committed young people, solve community challenges by sharing their experience and raise their awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Activities: online launching ceremony of the series of virtual workshops with the participation of the Minister of Youth Employment and sports and other personalities.  Launching a public ceremony through live streaming on Facebook, developing a video on SSE for the awareness-campaign and publishing posters on ESS during the week of the event, organizing online workshops on SSE, the SDGs and the concepts of setting up and managing social and solidarity projects, organizing a session on sharing experience whereby young social entrepreneurs will be invited to testify about their entrepreneurial experience, organizing two webinars to the general public, online monitoring and mentoring of the participants’ initiative.

Links and hashtags:

#med_dialogue #RJSM #Mauritania #Med_Innov4Solid #common_action #social #solidarity #economy #EU #ESS #Mediterranean

Union européenne en Mauritanie

#الاقتصاد_الاجتماعي_التضامني #التشبيك #ورشات






Action Title:  Being able to Act

Leader's name and country:     Fatimetou Ba - Mauritania

Organization and partners:  Sante et Education pour le Développement Familial (SEDF)

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021 – 31/01/2021

Action description:  the work aims to enhance the capabilities of young men and women in managing social and solidarity economy initiatives. It contributes to establishing the social economy network and encourages the exchange of experiences among youth entrepreneurs. The outcomes of this initiative  are young groups aware of the concept of SSE, able to manage projects and ready to support collective and sustainable work within their community.

Activities: conducting online workshops on social and solidarity economy for 30 participants, organizing coaching and guidance listening session and implementing awareness sessions on savings group networking.  

Links and hashtags:






Action Title:  Together women standing for the promotion of SSE (Promess) 

Leader's name and country:     Papa kadé Camara - Mauritania

Organization and partners:  Santé Globale

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021- 30/01/2021

Action description:  the action aims to raising the capacities of 30 young members of cooperatives and organization partners by introducing the SSE concept, increasing their skills in financial management, and creating open discussion on advocacy issues with local authorities.

Activities: training of 30 young people and women on the concept of SSE and financial education and organizing a session to define community issues with the local authorities.

Links and hashtags:






Action Title:  Promotion d’auto-entreprenariat des jeunes

Leader's name and country:     Abdelhakim Naitabdellah - Morocco

Organization and partners:   Association Afolki pour le développement économique et sociale.

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021- 20/01/2021

Action description: Improve the economic, social and cultural situation of vulnerable women by building their capacities on entrepreneurship and income-generating activities and mobilizing youth to promote their local products.

Activities: organizing a training session for 30 youth on entrepreneurship and setting up income-generating activities (IGA) and business plan.

Links and hashtags:

Hakim nayt.

Association Afoulki pour le development economique et social

# Promotion d’auto-entreprenariat des jeunes# Med dialogue for rights and equality






Action Title:  Inclusion of migrant women in the support offers for women project leaders in the Mediterranean

Leader's name and country:     Nkoy Vanne Clif - Morocco

Organization and partners:   Confédération des Jeunes Entrepreneurs et Cadres d’Afrique Subsaharienne du Maroc

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021-31/01/2021

Action description:  Educate immigrant women about available opportunities in support of for their project in the host lands and to encourage international institutions and national stakeholders to support these vulnerable women who are in need to build their capacities in order to add value to their host lands.

Activities: implementing and publishing a survey about migrant women entrepreneurs and project leaders in Morocco, holding online awareness-raising using 4 video clips, organizing an online conference advocating for the inclusion of migrant women by bringing together the organizations that finance 50 projects for migrant women from different nationalities.

Links and hashtags:

Femme, Migration, Entrepreneuriat , ESS, Méditéranée






Action Title:  SSE Youth Platform

Leader's name and country:     Youssef Askour – Morocco

Organization and partners:   Association les amis de verbe ,la commune d’Essaouira, la commune d’AKRMOUD, la commune AGERD, la Chambre de Commerce, d'industrie et des Services d'Essaouira, Association FORSA pour le développement humain, Association Féminine Elkhi, Association AFAK AKERMOUD, White Hearts Association, le conseil provincial des jeunes – Essaouira.

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021- 31/01/2021

Action description: raise awareness of Essaouira youth on social and solidarity economy and encourage them to become economically integrated through the implementation of their own projects.

Activities: conducting 4 training workshops in 4 rural communities targeting100 youth on the basics of the solidarity and social economy, producing 15 video clips related to social and solidarity economy, coaching 15 young project leaders to promote their projects.

Links and hashtags:

#ESS #Essaouira #Maroc #entreprenariat #leadership #youth

#المقاولة #الشباب #القيادة #المبادرة






Action Title: Agribusiness Incubator and Accelerator - غرس  GHARS

Leader's name and country: Yahya Sahyoun - Palestine

Organization and partners:  NA

Period of implementation: NA

Action description: this action contributes to the establishment of a department for agricultural business and projects to incubate entrepreneurial ideas and attempt to formulate them. It aims to provide projects with sustainable production returns that are managed by youth and represent a source of income for tens of individuals. Expected result is to contribute to the employment of a small number of engineers and the workforce (12 persons), with good marketing and the exploitation of some supporters to ensure the continuity and expansion of the project and its sustainability.

Activities and target groups: cultivating the plant (Aloe Vera) and producing a number of health products by packaging agricultural products in a specialized laboratory and marketing them, besides supporting a project to cultivate the (Azolla) plant using waterbodies, which will be used as a good alternative for animal feed.

Links and hashtags: #Med_Innov4Solid





Action Title: BUILDx: Social Innovation Series

Leader's name and country: Mays Kuhail - Palestine

Organization and partners: Build Palestine organization

Period of implementation: 17/01/2021- 27/01/ 2021

Action description:  the action aims to raise awareness and assess the current social solidarity economy and need for social innovation in Palestine, and the Mediterranean as a whole. The expected results of the action are reaching about 100,000 people through targeted social media campaign ads to foster the conversation on social solidarity economy, and the paramount need for social innovation in Palestine, and produce factual content to be shared on social media and via the BuildPalestine website with regards to social innovation and entrepreneurship in the Palestinian ecosystem, and encourage local change makers to kick off their own projects as well as hosting a BUILDx event.

Activities and target groups: implementing ten-day digital social media marketing campaign, Virtual BUILDx event and publishing report/sector review as a follow-up, in addition to sharing the virtual event session on our website and through social media.

Links and hashtags:

#SSE #SocialSolidarityEconomy #SSEPalestine #PalestineSocialInnovators






Action Title: StoryTell

Leader's name and country: Firas Bali - Palestine

Organization and partners: Ibtikar Palestine

Period of implementation: 15 – 30/ 01/ 2021

Action description: Story Tell aims to support Palestinian entrepreneurs to realize their potential as social innovators and providing them with the skills needed to tackle the social issues that they face in their communities, as well as encourage Palestinian entrepreneurs to use storytelling in order to create connections with their community and peers. The expected results are 10 young entrepreneurs with enhanced skills in self-expression, public communication, leadership, able to use storytelling for networking, can influence and advocate as well as 10 blogs  published by the trained entrepreneurs and promoted on different social media channels.

Activities and target groups: Implementing a 3-days training program for 10 pre-selected entrepreneurs and producing 10 blogs that will be developed by trained entrepreneurs as a result of the training program. As well as promoting the stories on the trained entrepreneurs’ on and social media.

Links and hashtags:

#StoryTell #Mediterranean_Innovators_for_Solidarity







Action Title:  Building Syria for Generation to Come

Leader's name and country:     Tasnim Hemmadeh - Syria

Organization and partners: Aleppo Startup Khan, Afkar Plus, and Youth4Nature.

Period of implementation:   20/01/2012- 30/01/2021

Action description: This action aims to organise a mentorship programme for youth connecting them with established Entrepreneurs and  social Entrepreneurship initiatives, inside and outside Syria.

Activities: this initiative will work on a social entrepreneurship guide and tools for civil society workers in Syria in addition to a short documentary movie about the social entrepreneurship scene in Syria.

Links and hashtags:







Action Title: Mediterranean entrepreneur

Leader's name and country: Samer Alaswad – Syria

Organization and partners: Sanad, Marj3, Almashgal

Period of implementation: 15/01/2021- 30/01/2021

Action description: create a space for dialogue that brings together entrepreneurs from Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt to communicate and share experiences and challenges according to the local contexts of each country. The expected results are new knowledge generated from the dialogue for every participating entrepreneur, and networking opportunities among entrepreneurs within and across the participating countries.

Activities and target groups: A two-day workshop, the first day brings together the entrepreneurial institutions interested in the social entrepreneurship from the following countries : Syria, Lebanon, Egypt with the aim of acquainting themselves with different institutions and environments, the second day will be dedicated to discussing the legal environment and challenges facing entrepreneurs in the three countries. Online sessions are also scheduled for the entrepreneurs to share experiences, opportunities and success stories and the possible ways to progress.

Links and hashtags: #Med_Innov4Solid





Action Title:  A lever for an economic revolution

Leader's name and country:     Dhekra Elhidri - Tunisia

Organization and partners:   Change Alliance for Development (CAD) in partnership with ODDs pour la Mauritanie

Period of implementation:   18/01/21 -31/01/21

Action description: working towards levering the economic by initiating young people to Solidarity and Social Economy (SSE).  The action aims to building the capacity of young people to create an SSE solutions and alternatives in the labor market.

Activities: organizing 3 training courses targeting youth in Tunisia and Mauritania between the ages of 18 and 35 years old, holding a workshop to exchange experiences and best practices among North African countries.

Links and hashtags:









Action Title: NSSE نساء _ESS

Leader's name and country:     Ines Nasri - Tunisia

Organization and partners:   The Tunisian Association for the Support of Initiatives in the Regions (TAMK-IN NETWORK)

Period of implementation:   15/01/2021- 09/01/2021

Action description:  gender-based economic violence against women, slows the relaunch of the social and solidarity economy sector. This action aims to capitalize and advocate against the economic violence based on gender in ESS sector, promote the female entrepreneurship as a tool for wealth creation and economic growth for small, disadvantaged households on ESS.

Activities: producing a film of capitalization and advocacy against economic violence based on gender and promotion of female entrepreneurship in the ESS sector, conducting an advocacy campaign on social networks and organizing a meeting for the screening of the film which targets 1500 (Members of the advocacy campaign, active shares of the advocacy film on social networks Participants during the live streaming projection of the film in its final version).

Links and hashtags:

#NSEEنساء _ESS







Action Title:  ESS’s Debate

Leader's name and country:     Brinci Hibat Allah- Tunisia

Organization and partners:   Association  AIDE , Association Youtheon 

Period of implementation:   From 19/01/2021 to 31/01/2021

Action description:  enhance the public awareness-raising by mobilization and integration of the local population (young people and women) for the definition and propagation of SSE and clarification of the SSE principles through simulations. Using live broadcast to advocate on YouTube channel "ESS's Debate" explaining the law of ESS and integrating new expertise in the field, in addition to collaborating with TV channels and radios for the message dissemination. Moreover, inviting local authority officials to participate in focus groups and debates to be broadcasted afterwards on YouTube channel.

Activities: conducting focus groups to exchange and debate on the definition and principles of SSE and potential sectors, holding an online training session on the legal framework and SSE law, identifying SSE initiatives, creating 5 promotional spots, and creating a channel to disseminate the experiences.

Links and hashtags:

#ESSdebate  #ESS  #ESSsuccessstory




French version of "Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity" Common Action Activities

Arabic verion of "Mediterranean Innovators for Solidarity" Common Action activities

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