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We are looking for potential joined effort partners, donors, supporters and fans for the creation and operation of our regional academy in west Africa. Click on the following link:… to access to  the Elevator pitch. Please share with us. Our official website:

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Comments (2)

The current economic system of the west african countries requires the development skillful manpower. This could be achieved by paying attention to a local and regional skills and knowledge for development system. The successful implementation of this skills and knowledge system is inseparable from knowledge management in informal and formal sector. That is what we are striving to achieve with our regional Academy (see here:… or watch the related video here:

To learn more click on here

While using training, coaching and mentoring to equip them with the required knowledge and skills they need, our regional Academy proposal will be a great center to motivate and empower local citizens to set up their own sustainable development initiatives and getting them actively involved in local development challenges. Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given the chance to understand, know and play his or her role in sustainable development. That’s what we’re doing. ~ KFDWB #K4dwb, #SDGs, #Donate4KFDWB

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