eTrade Network: online workshop reviews progress across eTrade priorities
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The eighth EU4Digital eTrade Network Workshop was held on 9-10 June with the aim of presenting and discussing with participants the progress of analysis, recommendations, pilots and concepts developed by the eTrade expert team of the EU4Digital Facility in the areas of eDelivery, eCustoms, eCommerce and Digital Transport Corridor (DTC) activities.
Unlike previous workshops, the eighth eTrade Network event took place as a video conference in view of the COVID-19pandemic.
Participants included:
- Speakers from the European Commission (DG TAXUD, DG CONNECT) and eLogistics experts from the EU;
- Contact network of EU4Digital, eTrade;
- Harmonising Digital Market (HDM) coordinators from the Eastern partner countries;
- Civil Society Forum eTrade experts;
- Working group members in eDelivery, eCustoms, eCommerce, DTC;
- EU4Digital Facility senior experts;
- EU4Digital Facility country coordinators from the Eastern partner countries.
The main objectives of the workshop were to present and discuss with participants:
- General updates in eTrade (new CEF Building Blocks, eCustoms and SEED solution in the Western Balkans, eFTI, FENIX, FEDeRATED and others);
- Updates in legislation (VAT and customs) that impact trade with the EU starting from mid-2021;
- Updates from the EU perspective on digital logistics and recommendations in this area;
- The result of the analysis and the selected pilot cases in eDelivery, eCustoms and DTC activities;
- The progress, mid-results in eCommerce activity and the next steps.
The first day of the event focused on the latest updates in eTrade in terms of recent important initiatives, regulations and legislations. The second day was dedicated to sharing the preparatory actions and roadmap for pilot implementation of the DTC, the progress of pilot implementation in eCustoms and eDelivery areas, and presenting the EU baseline of eCommerce. The harmonisation of digital markets is one of the main objectives of EU4Digital Facility and to achieve this goal the collaboration between the EU and Eastern partner countries is essential. Discussing the EU4Digital progress, challenges, sharing the insights and best practices helps to achieve tangible results in the eTrade area that will have a positive impact both for the businesses and citizens of the EU and the Eastern partner countries.
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