#EvalCrisis Blog - 06 - ROM in the time of COVID-19
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ROM in the time of COVID-19
This blog post, re-posted from the ROM website, describes how the Results-Oriented Monitoring system of the EU external action had to adapt to the pandemic outburst and continue supporting programme implementation.
When the COVID-19 crisis imposed a complete stop of travelling, in the first weeks of March 2020, nearly 200 ROM reviews were immediately affected, and a fast response had to be provided to keep the EU external monitoring function ongoing. Thanks to a full collaboration across the ROM contractors and services, an adapted methodology for ROM reviews was swiftly adopted with a light guidance to be refined in the future with learning.
In ROM reviews, the field visit is used to interview key actors and stakeholders of an intervention to gather evidence to answer the ROM Monitoring Questions and support the ROM conclusions and recommendations for improvement.
Considering the COVID-19 limitations to carry out field visits, three alternative types of ROM reviews are now available:
- Hybrid ROM review, where field visit was ongoing but had to be interrupted, and there is still need for further interviews tol be conducted remotely.
- Remote ROM review, where the field interviews are replaced with remote interviews conducted through video/audio calls and written exchanges with key actors.
- Split ROM Review, where the field phase is divided between (i) remote interviews and submission of a preliminary ROM report and (ii) a shorter field phase conducted within a reasonable timeframe once the travel restrictions are lifted.
Additional interaction with the OMs is foreseen to identify the appropriate alternative type of ROM review, while ensuring the full respect of the quality standards and ROM Handbook provisions.
For the ROM reviews which qualify for remote ROM review or split ROM review, a preparatory desk phase is planned. This is a bit longer than a regular desk phase so to allow the setup of key interviews that will be conducted remotely (OMs, IPs and key stakeholders) and the collection of primary and secondary sources. This phase will deliver three outputs to the OM: (i) the MQ report (preliminary answers to the monitoring questions), (ii) a preliminary ROM report (excluding the executive summary), and (iii) a separate note detailing how the mission will be carried out.
Based on the findings of the preparatory desk phase, the OM will decide whether the mission will: (i) continue as a fully remote ROM review. In this case the draft MQ and ROM Report will be produced through the regular procedures and uploaded on the ROM Module; or (ii) be conducted as a split ROM review with a shorter field phase to take place once the crisis situation normalises.
In the case of a hybrid ROM review, a short remote field phase can complement the regular field phase which was interrupted. A draft MQ and ROM Report will then be delivered as per regular procedure.
These three options are proving effective to achieve the ROM review objectives with limited delay compared with the original planning.
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