Hungarian EU Presidency: DEAR project HANDs over
News details

The Hungarian International Civilian Association for Humanitarian Aid and Development (HAND) co-led the current EU DEAR Presidency Project "Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the World", together with Belgian and Spanish organisations. “Shaping Tomorrow through Global Education”, was held during the #GlobalEducationWeek (28-29 November) and the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Gathering in Budapest, 130 Global Education researchers, teachers, students, government officials, NGO leaders, and business stakeholders highlighted the role of youth and educators as agents of change. The participants from 95 institutions exchanged about emerging Global Education topics, innovative methodologies, private-public partnerships, multi-level funding approaches and educator training opportunities. They also analysed research and practical findings about the implementation of national and European Global Education strategies. The European Declaration on Global Education to 2050 set the framework and roadmap.
The two-day conference, held at the European Youth Centre Budapest, was organised by GENE, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, and Concord Europe. This event concludes the EU presidency DEAR project trio of Hungary, Spain, Belgium. The next trio will consist of Polish, Danish, and Cypriot national NGO platforms.
Policy and Project background
The EU's strategic focus on global education acknowledges the need for innovative methodologies and cross-sector partnerships. By bringing together diverse stakeholders and promoting the exchange of good practices, the EU supports the development of effective educational approaches that prepare citizens for global challenges and opportunities.
The 4th trio EU Presidency DEAR project “Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the world” is implemented by national NGDO platforms HAND (Hungary); La Coordinadora (Spain), CNCD-11.11.11 (Belgium), 11.11.11. (Belgium) and CONCORD, the European confederation of NGOs working on sustainable development and international cooperation.
Contributing to an enabling environment for civil society, the project stressed the role of CSOs in Global Citizenship Education. It was grounded on an approach based on feminism, human rights, development effectiveness and policy coherence for sustainable development.
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