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About Us

Who we are: We want to advocate knowledge and skills for development worldwide. We are a Nonpartisan, Independent international NGO that promotes and supports the access to information, knowledge and skills for development to everyone without barriers. Knowledge for Development without Borders (KFDWB) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 2014 and based in Vienna, Austria.


KFDWB provides Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills and knowledge to people around the world with information on sustainable development issues and practices. It includes learning and interaction tools between members and users to face challenges of the 21st century in their local communities. If you want to know more about our organization, click here for more details.

Our Vision of knolwedge for development: In the 21st century, a new society is emerging in which knowledge development is fundamental for sustainable development. Efficient utilisation of existing and newly generated knowledge can create comprehensive wealth for nations in the form of better health, education, infrastructure, trade, development and social well-being.  Knowledge goals arise from the need to specify the actions  that are to be performed; in other words, from the need to make  actions operational. New knowledge development trends, such as knowledge for development and knowledge transfer, are emerging to enhance knowledge and capacities in developing countries in the areas of health, education, infrastructure, trade, development, and interrelated issues, including through policy design. In addition, new technologies are opening tremendous possibilities for creating, packaging, testing and sharing information, knowledge, and hence mutual understanding, in today’s knowledge societies. Knowledge societies should promote, facilitate and support the way each country effectively deals with knowledge for development and its deployment in all sectors like health, education, infrastructure, trade, development and social well-being.
The role of our OpenCommunity platform: The Role of Our OpenCommunity ( is to promote and support  the global learning and education opportunities to advance  the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In addition, it is an opportunity to bring groups, management, academics, development professionals and communities together to share innovative knowledge management for development practices, tools, solutions, ideas, visions, strategies, evaluations, and to exchange best practices and lessons learned to meet development challenges.
The objectives of our OpenCommunity platform: Our OpenCommunity platform aims to highlight the contribution of individuals at the local and global level to Sustainable development through their development Capacities and their central role in the design of innovative approaches to knowledge for devevelopment that advance the skills for development.


The platform aims to give worldwide the opportunity to representatives of youth organizations, education institutions, development agencies, private Sectors and govenance agencies to share open information, knowledge practices and their works in the areas of human development, intercultural educaton, intercultural learning and international competences to accelerate the agenda 2030 of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). Access to the information, knowledge and skills for development is the main socle to achieve sustainable development worldwide.

In other hands it will help and encourage local communities to engage more in the reporting, about the economic, social and environmental problems they are daily facing so that development interventios, researches, initiatives and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused.

In addition, it will also give opportunities to youth organizations and students across the globe to share their experience in the areas of global learning and education.

It will be a platform for the mobilization of a movement toward a revised and positive narrative from and about access to information, Knowledge for development and skills for development. It will be also used as a platform for inspiration and information sharing of development stories of impact by individual and for Sustainable development.  Consequenly, the virtual platform is a brand for changing the narrative and provides a source information and tool for knowledge for development to advance skills for development worldwide.

Our  official website: http://www.knowledgefordevelopmentwithoutborders

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