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We are actively looking for partners and supporters range from Ministries of Education and Training, TVET institutions, Higher Education and Research, Science, Technology and Innovation, and Youth, donors, civil society organizations, private sector entities, community organizations and other organizations working in ICT, innovation and education development space.

Knowledge for Development without Borders (KFDWB) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 2014 and based in Vienna, Austria. KFDWB provides Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills and knowledge to people around the world with information on sustainable development issues and practices. It includes learning and interaction tools between members and users to face challenges of the 21st century in their local communities.

Our efforts to support sustainable development progress are broad and diverse, but a core element of all our efforts is to work closely with civil society, international development agencies, and local communities to meet urgent local needs as well as to empower local citizens to know, understand, secure and enforce their roles, responsibilities, and engagements for the success of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The internet and its applications provide a wide range of benefits to everyone. But it also requires specific basic skills and knowledge to use different internet devices effectively in order to improve one’s personal and professional development. More precisely, it means that without these skills and knowledge individuals are not in a position to do research (e.g. looking for a job), send out emails, get connected with people, or receive online information about how to set up your own business.

We, Knowledge for Development Without Borders (KFDWB), believe that in the 21st century, human sustainable development inevitably requires open access to information, knowledge, communication and technology (ICT) consistent to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Therefore, KFDWB supports local, marginalized and underprivileged communities in often forgotten places with fitted ICT skills and tools to deal with their daily challenges on a personal and professional level. More specifically, we are focused to equip students, graduates, young girls, women, and adults in need with ICT skills adjusted to their needs. These skills can be used to research for job advertisements, free online courses, health issues, legal consulting, women’s rights, climate change topics, local institutional addresses, and many other resources in accordance to the SDGs. Additionally, we help people to set up their own businesses and keep them updated with new technological trends.

We have developed – successfully many proof of concepts across Africa (see more here). You can access to the vision of our organization about the knowledge for development here.

We are actively seeking partners and sponsors range from Ministries of Education and Training, Higher Education and Research, Science, Technology and Innovation, and Youth, donors, civil society organizations, private sector entities, community organizations and other organizations working in ICT, innovation and education development space to support our "Skills for development Training" project in Africa.


The focus of the cooperation which we are willing to establish with your institution or organization is our programme for ICT trainings for the most vulnerables in different countries in Africa (we have already established partnerships in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Cameroon, Niger, Botswana, Burkina Faso and we are in a process of establishing new partnerships with NGOs in other African countries).

We wish to use a cloud based ICT trainings and on field practices in order to provide high quality ICT education at the same time ensuring low costs and high reach (due to the online based training sessions). Our goal is to increase the access to education for women and girls in Africa through cloud based trainings.

Therefore, we see this cooperation as an opportunity to combine the efforts to provide the access to ICT knowledge for women and girls as well as the most vulnerable people in Africa through these combined actions:

- implementing cloud based ICT trainings and on field practices for women and girls and the most vulnerable in different African countries.

- spread the information about the ethics of internet and the benefits of its applications to students, farmers, women, girls and the underprivileged people in different African countries.

- implementing counter terrorism and abuse on the internet on the actual trends of web by holding ICT projects.

- raising awareness of the environment by holding ICT projects on the actual situation of the climate change and encouraging the use of ICT in the fight against the climate change.

- raising awareness on the dangerous aspects of the illegal immigration practices.


We would highly appreciate it if you would consider cooperating with us and please let us know if you need any additional information from us. For information about how to participate or support us, please contact us via

See more here.Thank you very much in advance.

Business ID: 271888611 | TAX ID: 07298/7571

Partnership Support:
  Company Address:

1190 Vienna, Hutweidengasse 21/5/9 | website:

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