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INTEGRAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN  -  Urban development and Social Cohesion in Colca


Country: Peru

Project initiated in: 2006

Presented by: AECID

Partners: Instituto Nacional de Cultura de Perú, Local authorities and associations

Project budget: EUR 1 450 000 (until 2010)

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// Context

Colca is located on the altiplano of the Andes Cordillera. This region, historically populated by the Inca and the Aymara populations, developed around mountain agriculture and is still a rural region with approximately 35 000 residents, with a subsistence economy and large areas of extreme poverty. The average annual income per family is $500. This region additionally suffers from restricted access to basic public services and a large rate of youth emigration.

In such conditions, it was necessary to develop an integral development strategy, based on the establishment of a programme which provided for the communal use of public areas and focussed on the restoration and promotion of the historical and natural heritage of the region. The participation of local communities formed a central part of the project.

// Project objectives

The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards economic, social and cultural development of the Colca region in addition to improving the quality of life of the local population, via the restoration, promotion and sustainable management of its historical heritage.

The specific objectives are the following:

  • promoting cultural tourism, in order to create activities which combat poverty;
  • launching projects in the areas of urban renovation, sanitation and improved living conditions;
  • implementing a management system for historical and natural heritage, respecting cultural values and the environment;
  • ensuring the training of young people in the use of traditional construction materials and techniques, which are also environmentally friendly.

// Expected results

The project has improved the quality of life of the residents in the region, created employment opportunities and has succeeded in training young people. Gender equality has been promoted throughout all project activities.

The primary achievements of this project are as follows:

  • 10 Temples restored.
  • 17 Municipalities have received aid to bolster their planning and management capabilities.
  • 6 planning offices have been created locally.
  • 5 public areas have been recovered and promoted.
  • A cottage-industry market, a community centre for cottage industry production (“sol de sacsay huaman”), 8 production units and a documentation centre have all been established.
  • Many accommodation units have been restored and improved.
  • 1 School training workshop for construction, hotel management and agricultural techniques has been established, comprising 60 students from 14 regional areas.

The integral development approach applied throughout this project, including at the level of local land management and of local municipality competencies, ensures the sustainability and lays the foundations for a new sustainable development dynamic, henceforth coordinated by the local authorities. 

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