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Game On! - The show must ‘green’ on. Over 20 festivals across Europe have become more sustainable thanks to practical tools in 8 languages.


“Game On!” produced and promoted a Festival Greening Handbook to help event managers worldwide take on new sustainable practices. In the summer of 2023 alone, 12 festivals were more climate friendly because of the DEAR project’s international outreach. For example, the ecological Uzana Polyana Fest in Bulgaria set up a system to deposit reusable cups and used solar power for their “Poznań space zone”, dedicated to green start-ups. This may not appear new to some festival goers, but it was a first in 2023 for this Bulgarian festival.  

In synergy with the handbook, “Game On!” also created a free interactive and personalised e-checklist for various categories of events. Users select the sort of event they want to organise, the type of location, accommodation, and whether air travel is required. Based on the specific event type and needs, the software proposes a tailored checklist for the most sustainable practices in five key areas: 1) catering, 2) waste disposal, 3) energy and water, 4) transport and 5) location. 

“Game On!” partner organisations also assisted several festivals to “go greening”. 

For an overview of DEAR Programme impact, read other Stories of Change.

Picture: Festival preparations. ©EU - Game On, 2023

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