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Following the launch of the IAEREP Capacity Building programme that was held on the 23rd February 2023 under the “Capacity Building for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – Feasibility Studies and Demonstration Projects” funded by the European Union in Zambia, NTU is pleased to announce that the first among the 20 scheduled Capacity Building trainings was successfully implemented from the 6-10th March 2023 at the Taj Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia. The four-day training in Organisational Change Management was aimed at enhancing the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for effectively planning, implementing, evaluating, and institutionalizing organizational change, thereby increasing its likelihood of success. The training encompassed the following areas: the concept of organizational change, preparing for organizational change, rolling out organizational change, evaluating organizational change and institutionalising change

A total of 28 participants from 12 institutions representing both the private and public sector participated in the training. The facilitator used a largely participatory method of training that encouraged each trainee to fully be engaged from beginning to end. On the final day of the training a certificate of attendance was officially handed over to each participant by Mr Temwani Chihana, the Acting Coordinator at the National Authorising Office of the European Development Fund. Thereafter, Mr Brighton Chishimba from the Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) gave a vote of thanks, he thanked the facilitator and highlighted that the training was very informative and will be beneficial as they manage their organisational change management processes. He went on to thank the European Union for funding such programmes and the Rural Electrification Authority for successful implementation of the same.

The Capacity Building programme has been designed to provide the Rural Electrification Authority and other public and private sector institutions the needed skills and concepts in the identified skills gap areas. We look forward to continual successful implementation of the Capacity building programme.