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People & Planet Water Campaign
"People & Planet" Water Campaign

Over 3 500 young minds from eight European nations voiced their thoughts on climate change, sustainability, and the pressing issue of water scarcity. The results, now unveiled in the "European Youth and Climate Change: A Community Baseline" report, provide a hopeful glimpse into the future of environmental activism and awareness.

The Young Generation's Climate Awakening

The most significant revelation? Young people understand that the climate crisis is not a distant spectre, but a reality impacting their daily lives. This survey resonates with their worries, aspirations, and fierce determination to take action. The report dives into three key facets of the intricate relationship between young Europeans and climate justice:

  1. Climate Perception: Young individuals recognize the urgency and the stakes of climate change, signaling a growing commitment to addressing climate challenges head-on.
  2. Individual Action: Young Europeans are not bystanders, but proactive warriors for the planet. From adopting sustainable lifestyles to reducing their carbon footprints, they are taking bold strides toward a greener future.
  3. Demands for Action: The younger generation is not content with mere awareness. They demand political action and are looking to local authorities to lead the way. The report underscores the urgent need to integrate young voices into decision-making processes at all levels to bring about tangible change.

Water Scarcity: A Looming Crisis

But that's not all! "People & Planet" is not just about identifying the problems - it is about mobilising citizens, especially youth, to tackle the most pressing global issues. And one of the most frightening challenges of our times is water scarcity.

The United Nations recognises the pivotal role of young people in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This report's release on International Youth Day (12 August) underlines the importance of giving the younger generation a platform to shape policies and initiatives that address climate and water-related challenges. 

Integrate Young Voices into Climate Decisions

As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says, "It's not enough to listen to young people — we need to integrate them into decision-making mechanisms at all levels." Check out the full report to learn what young people are doing to combat climate change and water scarcity in Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain. 

Read more on the People & Planet web page.

Watch “People & Planet” video on young European’s knowledge about water and their fun and “knocking” project video-pitch.


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