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3rd Asia Regional Meeting, September 2019


After its last Regional Meeting Asia in Bangkok in June 2015, the Policy Forum on Development returned to the region from 24 - 26 September 2019 to meet with around 80 representatives of civil society organisations and local authorities to discuss the progress made since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. The region still faces systemic issues that challenge the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably deepening inequalities. Despite progress against income-based measures of poverty, many people remain vulnerable to falling back into extreme poverty. The event looked at the regional, national and local level challenges and solutions to meeting shared development aims. 

During the meeting the participants also received an update on the joint Communication (European Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) 'Connecting Europe and Asia- Building blocks for an EU Strategy' (19.09.18) and how it provides the basis for an EU strategy on connecting Europe and Asia. 'The People to people connectivity', the 'Digital connectivity' and the clear overlap with the 2030 Agenda are of particular interest. 

This meeting was especially relevant as we see increasing CSO-LA cooperation at local levels, as well as increased commitment to gender equality and youth economic engagement. The Asia Regional Meeting of the PFD discussed an architecture for SDG implementation with accountability at its core, highlighted key challenges faced in the region, and focused on solutions for just and sustainable development to leave no one behind.


Final Communiqué