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Algeria - Green Nexus

Team Europe Initiative


Nexus Énergie, Climat et Économie Vertes

The Transformational Potential:

  • Support to the country’s energy transition
  • Support to climate action
  • Support to improvement of  competitiveness and green skills

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Energy transition: policies, strategies, and action plans; legislative framework; financing methods; capacity building and skills development and information and awareness.

2. Climate action: policies, strategies, and action plans; legislative framework; financing methods; Monitoring & Reporting; capacity building and skills development and information and awareness.

3. Competitiveness and green skills: research and development; business climate; access to finance, skills development, and employability


Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors

Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Sustainable growth and jobs
Human Development