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Burundi - Health

Team Europe Initiative


Initiative Equipe Europe - Santé

The Transformational Potential:

  • Promotion of universal health coverage
  • Significant change in the quality of life of the population
  • Profound transformation of the entire economy of Burundi

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Provide a joint response to gradually achieve quality universal health coverage:

SO1: Improve sustainable access to health services and quality of care, particularly in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (SRMNIA)

P1.1 Support and improve access to health services for the Burundian population, in particular for women, girls and children under five.

P1.2. Improve the quality of the supply of care and health services in health facilities and of the epidemiological surveillance.

P1.3. Facilitate strategic decisions on health financing, including Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

2. Technical and financial support to the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS (MSPLS) on the various pillars of the health system.

3. Development of the health financing strategy for the establishment of universal health coverage in Burundi



Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Human Development


1. No Poverty
3. Good Health and Well-being
5. Gender Equality
10. Reduced Inequality