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Comoros - Green and Blue Deal

Team Europe Initiative


Pacte Vert et Blue

Transformational Potential - Support the development of a green and blue economy through an inclusive territorial approach to:

  • Promote sustainable management of natural resources (to combat climate change).
  • Stability of the Comoros islands
  • Reduce inequalities
  • Fight against irregular migration to the EU.
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Develop a more competitive rural economy adapted to environmental challenges
  • Promote employment of young people and women, digital technology, food security, and creation of added value
  • Develop a circular economy
  • Strengthen local governance

The Team Europe Proposal activities include:

1. Territory intervention analysis with all the players.

2. Participatory capacity development for development plans of the territory (SAT), integrating the challenges of a green and blue economy.

3. Local governance strengthening and capacity building, and implementation of municipal development plans aligned with the SAT.

4. Support for structural initiatives and investments in key areas such as:

  • Renewable energy;
  • Basic infrastructure
  • Access to drinking water and watersheds management
  • Agriculture & fishing: adaptation to climate issues;
  • Local products transformation
  • Circular economy;
  • Sustainable waste management;
  • Ecotourism

Member states involved: France and La Réunion

Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal


13. Climate Action