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Iraq - TAEUFIQ: TeAm EUrope For IraQ

Team Europe Initiative


TAEUFIQ: TeAm EUrope For IraQ

Transformational Potential:

  • Private sector development would allow for the creation of job opportunities in the country and the exploitation of a large consumer market.
  • Attracting investment would foster national economic transformation

The Team Europe Proposal activities include:

  • Entrepreneurship, private sector development and investment: women economic empowerment, digitalisation, green recovery and skills development (education and TVET)
  • Economic governance: public and financial sector reforms (social protection, labour, financial sector), cross-cutting economic reform agenda, social protection and labour systems reforms, business and investment climate reform, economic infrastructures, digital economy, enabling environment investments, privatization of State Owned enterprises and regulatory framework

Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Sustainable growth and jobs
Governance, Peace and Security
Human Development


1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions