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Moldova - Growth and Jobs

Team Europe Initiative


Local communities: youth, growth and jobs 

The Transformational Potential:

Contribute to the longer-term social and economic resilience of the local communities of the Republic of Moldova:

  • Addressing the economic and social consequences of COVID-19 (mitigate the impact).
  • Improving the quality of life

The Team Europe Proposal:

  • Improve the quality and efficiency of public services.
  • Investment and capacity building support to the development and rehabilitation of social, economic, and physical infrastructure.
  • Improve access to services.
  • Enhance business and job opportunities.
  • Strengthen community-led local development.
  • Encourage the greening of the economy, gender equality, and community-led private sector development.
  • Provide equal opportunities for all (gender, age, ability, or nationality).


Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Sustainable growth and jobs
Governance, Peace and Security
Human Development


1. No Poverty
3. Good Health and Well-being
5. Gender Equality
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequality