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Morocco - Post-crisis recovery

Team Europe Initiative


Reprise post-crise au Maroc

The Transformational Potential:

  • "Build Back Better" the socio-economic field towards cleaner, environmentally friendly, sustainable, and resilient economies.
  • Reduce inequalities in the labour market

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Social recovery initiated by the Government of Morocco at the start of the Covid – 19 crisis and reflected in priority 1 and 2 in the country MIP 2021-2027:

  • Economic recovery through the Mohammed IV fund for investment and the redesign of the public guarantee system => a leverage effect on private sector jobs
  • The legislative framework on social protection => limit social dumping and promote decent work.

2. Green and inclusive economic growth:

  • Industrial recovery and green investments - support for the development of industrial ecosystems (Mohammed VI Fund)
  • Competitiveness and integration of Morocco into international value chains - North-South-South cooperation
  • Innovation, research & development - digitization of the industry, start-ups, e-commerce, cyber security etc.
  • Job creation - support for entrepreneurship (MSMEs); economic integration of women, cultural and creative industries etc.
  • Social protection - social action and inclusion; employability of vulnerable groups

Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

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Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital
Sustainable growth and jobs
Governance, Peace and Security


9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequality