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Health in the Eastern Neighbourhood

Team Europe Initiative


Territorial coverage: Eastern Neighbourhood region

Transformational Potential:

  • Strengthening health resilience in the Eastern partner countries;
  • Strengthening of health systems (including readiness and capacity to address future health emergencies) in the region.

The Team Europe Proposal:

The core of the TEI is an EU-funded vaccine preparedness and deployment programme.

The activities include:

1. Vaccine sharing mechanism

  • Identify available vaccine stockpiles and match them with demand in EaP;
  • Distribute equitably the vaccines donated/sold by MSs Expand visibility of Team Europe in EaP;
  • Job shadowing scheme on health resilience.

2. Support the readiness and absorption capacity of partner countries for vaccines (WHO)

  • Support/update national vaccine deployment plans;
  • Procurement of essential supplies to deliver vaccines safely;
  • Training of health workers on vaccine handling and vaccine characteristics;
  • Scale up IT capacity and information management systems - EU-compliant COVID-19 digital certificates;
  • Targeted (information) campaigns;
  • Vulnerable groups, outreach vaccination activities in rural areas.

Team Europe Actors

EU Member states


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Human Development


1. No Poverty
3. Good Health and Well-being
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
5. Gender Equality