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Niger - Governance, Peace and Rights

Team Europe Initiative

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Gouvernance Paix & Droits

The Transformational Potential includes:

1. Strengthening the position and the voice of the EU and its MSs in the dialogue and in the coordination:

  • with the government
  • with the international partners (UN and its agencies, other multilateral and regional actors)

2. Strengthening the trust in the State and its policies by the local population with the aim of: 

  • Consolidating lasting peace and an enabling environment
  • Creating and developing decent and sustainable economic activities

The Team Europe Proposal activities include:

  • At the national level: Good governance, rule of law and quality public services everywhere
  • At the territorial level: Support for the emergence of secure centers of stabilisation, recovery and development in 3-4 departments under strong demographic pressure and influx of refugees and displaced people

Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Migration partnerships
Governance, Peace and Security
Human Development


2. Zero Hunger
5. Gender Equality
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions