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Sao Tome and Principe - Governance

Team Europe Initiative


The Transformational Potential:

  • Strengthen State’s capacity to improve governance by delivering services in a more efficient and transparent manner in the areas of Public Finance Management and Justice Reform.
  • Provide citizens with the tools to hold government accountable, and to keep youth and women engagement and digitalisation as cross-cutting topics.  
  • Strengthen partnerships in digital transformation and governance, in line with the main priorities of the new EU global Strategy towards Africa.

The Team Europe Proposal, is focused on two pillars: 1) Modernisation and reform of the justice system & 2) Promotion of sound economic and financial governance (public sector accountability, rule of law and human rights promotion and protection):

1. PFM governance: awareness raising; capacity building to empower citizens in budget transparency, oversight, and scrutiny; forum for Government and CSOs; platform on participatory budgeting in water and sanitation incl. gender-sensitive budgeting; broadening ownership to oversight institutions: the Parliament and the Supreme Audit Institutions; policy dialogue.

2. Justice sector governance: strengthening accountability, civilian participation, oversight, and control; improving access to justice (support for most vulnerable, youth and women at risk of violence); capacity building in the areas of justice and security; promote independence of the judiciary.

3. Digital Governance (cross-cutting): improve public services access, transparency, and accountability; enhance citizen protection by implementing and enforcing public services digitalisation (fight against corruption).


Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Geographical area

São Tomé and Príncipe

Thematic priority

Green deal
Governance, Peace and Security


6. Clean Water and Sanitation
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal