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Public Health Capacity - Africa

Team Europe Initiative


Support to Public Health Institutes (PHIs)

The Transformational Potential:

  • To contribute to population’s health and wellbeing via the provision of multiple public health services by performant schools of public health and public health institutes  
  • To enable a comprehensive support to public health institutes and public health policies through their key core functions and attributes for a transformative impact on beneficiaries

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Support core-functions, attributes and services of schools and institutes of public health (national level).

2. Core functions to be strengthened:

  • Research in Public Health 
  • Disease prevention and health promotion
  • Evaluation and promotion of equitable access to services 
  • Public health workforce development

3. Establish/Enhance regional collaboration between PHIs to jointly develop research, training, policy advice and advocacy (regional level).

4. Enhance collaboration between European and African PHIs and integration of African PHIs in international public health networks. 


Team Europe Actors


Geographical area

Sub-Saharan Africa

Thematic priority

Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital
Human Development


3. Good Health and Well-being