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Social protection - Africa

Team Europe Initiative


The Transformational Potential - the focus of the TEI is on universal social protection and proposes to follow a systems approach:

  • To jointly support and strengthen national social protection systems in Sub-Saharan Africa via the regional level.
  • To strengthen the dialogue between countries that share many challenges, but also values.

The Team Europe Proposal, specific objective is to effectively influence regional and national social protection policies and systems in SSA through enhanced regional engagement, coordination and communication on selected social protection issues and systems

1a. Policy-level support: National social protection policies and strategies development

1b. Programme-level support: Expansion of coverage to specific groups: informal workers, refugees; gender-sensitive social protection, nutrition-sensitive social protection.

2. Reliable and up-to-date data and information for social protection effective design and implementation (Social registries; Early warning efforts; Interoperability of management information systems (MIS); Data protection).

3. Finance (Strategic planning/ prioritization; Operational planning & budget programming; Secure long-term financing; Domestic resource mobilization; Cost estimations; Pre-planned risk financing and risk layering; Public Finance Management).

Geographical coverage: all countries in SSA, including those affected by conflict.


Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area

Sub-Saharan Africa

Thematic priority

Sustainable growth and jobs
Human Development


1. No Poverty
3. Good Health and Well-being
5. Gender Equality
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequality