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To Support Africa in Combating Illicit Financial Flows and Transnational Organized Crime

Team Europe Initiative


Transformational potential:

Tackle the impact of IFFs and TOC in fragile and conflict areas to:

  • Curb the destabilizing impact of TOC;
  • Prevent conflict, support stabilization, and improve prospects for peacebuilding;
  • Increase DRM and public investment;
  • Socio-economic and human development;
  • Building institutional capacities;
  • Enhance the role of CSOs/NGOs;
  • Improve the investment climate.

The Team Europe Proposal:

Main objective: to support Africa in combating Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) and Transnational Organized Crime (TOC).

The activities include:

1. COMPONENT 1: Preventing and mitigating the expansion of IFFs and related TOC:

  • Strengthening legislative and regulatory frameworks;
  • Building capacities to manage these frameworks;
  • Improving transparency and accountability.

2. COMPONENT 2: Enhancing TOC & IFF related Law Enforcement, prosecutorial and judicial capacities, and capabilities:

  • Monitoring, tracking, tracing, and detecting transactions (tax, customs, cross border flows);
  • Investigations, prosecution, seizure, and recovery/ facilitating repatriation of TOC and IFFs;
  • Capacity Building.

3. COMPONENT 3: Enhancing coordination and cooperation at different levels:

  • Awareness raising;
  • Cooperation and information-sharing (intelligence sharing) on IFFs and TOC.

Team Europe Actors

Geographical area

Sub-Saharan Africa

Thematic priority

Governance, Peace and Security


8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequality
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal