The Transformational Potential includes:
- Boost intra African trade and drive African post-COVID-19 economic recovery
- Develop opportunities offered by the green and digital transition
- Deepen the sustainable economic transformation of the African continent, promoting the creation of more and better jobs and fostering inclusive and sustainable growth
The Team Europe Proposal activities include:
1. TEI engagement - around three areas of work:
- Develop EU common messages on AfCFTA
- Strengthen EU coordination on AfCFTA and joint strategic dialogue (continental, regional and national level, PANAF expert group)
- Provide support to the AfCFTA under the Team Europe umbrella. Example: Team Europe Technical Assistance Facility to support AfCFTA
2. AfCFTA Labelled Support (Identify and map the interventions). Core support:
- Negotiation ownership and management of the AfCFTA agreement
- AfCFTA agreement rules and related reforms: enabling Policy, legislative and Regulatory environment.
3. Thematic coordination groups identification and monitoring of joint and/or coordinated actions
Geographic coverage: entire African continent - actions to be implemented at continental, regional and (multi-)country level.