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Results Orientated Monitoring, or ROM for short, provides external, objective and impartial feedback on the performance of European Commission aid projects and programmes as part of the Commission’s commitment to quality assurance.

The reports are based on on-site visits to projects carried out by external contractors who assess and monitor the project, and importantly, focus their attention on project results and outcomes.

That these reports are carried out by non-Commission staff is central to ROM’s goals of objectivity and impartiality.

“I imagine my role as a tax payer outside the Commission who is going to visit a project to see what is happening, but with the insight of someone who knows a little bit about how the Commission is managing the project,” said Kostas Missirlis a ROM Monitor.

The ROM monitor’s final report is based on five internationally agreed evaluation criteria:

1) Relevance

2) Efficiency

3) Effectiveness

4) Impact

5) Sustainability

From the report, EC staff in delegation and headquarters can assess areas for possible improvement and also note lessons learned that could inform development programming elsewhere.

The reports can also provide an early warning for when a project is in trouble.

Reports are shared with partner governments  “in order to draw lessons or in order to contradict [the report] if he believes the report is not fair,” said Paul Riembault AIDCO, Unit E5, Quality Monitoring Systems.

To find out more about ROM, you can watch this video which includes footage of a ROM monitoring mission to Ethiopia.



Visit the EuropeAid's portal for more information the Results Orientated Monitoring