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Discussion details

The joint learning event seeks to provide development practitioners with an action-oriented introduction to the key elements of PE Analysis and possible actions/responses to enable them to make development cooperation more effective as well as more politically sensitive. It builds on available knowledge, expertise and lessons learned of different development partners, while integrating a PE perspective in all aspects of development processes and cooperation. Case studies from different organizations, sectors and regions will be discussed with participants to illustrate the relevance and added value of PE from a realistic, practitioner’s view.

Date and Venue of first event

The first PEP Joint Learning Event will be hosted by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 24-26 June 2014 in The Hague, The Netherlands.

It is targeted towards headquarter staff of the Expert Group Members responsible for PE issues within their organisation as well as other HQ professionals with interest in PE.

Two further learning events in Europe and abroad shall be organised in 2014, depending on the demand and possibility of hosting by one or more agencies/organisations.

Costs of the learning event:

There are no course fees for participants. Participants have to cover their own travel expenses.

For REGISTRATION UNTIL JUNE 6 FOR THE 1st EVENT and further information (also on hosting or participating in further events in 2014), please contact:

Secretariat of the Expert Group: Petra Riedle, Lea Zoric (GIZ)

Website of the Expert Group:

Comments (2)


Is there any chance to get travel & accomodation funding for this event? It would be interesting to attend it. Thanks!