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Dear members,

Please find attached the PDF files of the InfoPoint session organised by DEVCO-C6 unit - Sustainable Energy & Climate Change on 2nd February 2017 in Brussels with Wetlands International for the World Wetlands day.

A presentation of the place of Ecosystem based adaptation actions within the GCCA project portfolio was delivered as part of this event. It includes general information and case studies from Benin, Mozambique and Timor-Leste.

A link towards a raw video is also provided here:

Kind Regards,


Responsibility for the information and views set out in this publication lies entirely with the author.

Comments (1)


There are many ways of protecting people during natural disasters and the best one would be to share the information about the especially designed shelters that can accommodate multiple people during heavy rain, storm, flood or any unwanted situations like this. Therefore, I am recommending all readers to click and bookmark the link on their mobile browsers, as it can help them to find out their ways to the safety shelter, at the time of need.