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The European Union will contribute to equal access to better quality education for all students, and assist the implementation of education reforms in Myanmar between 2019 and 2022.

The EU will provide EUR 175 million, through direct financial transfers to the Ministry of Education's budget, to assist the implementation of reforms outlined in the National Education Strategic Plan 2016-2021 focusing on equal access to better quality secondary education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). A further EUR 46 million is allocated for technical assistance to help the government achieve these goals.

"The European Union’s EUR 221 million grant to the Ministry of Education has been provided as a sign of partnership and trust, and as a sign that the European Union shares our Government's ambition to dramatically improve the education outcomes in Myanmar. Education is the best possible investment in our country's democratic federal future. Since 2016, the Government has significantly increased budget allowance for the education sector every fiscal year. So, the EU support will also supplement the Government's investment in education." – said Dr Myo Thein Gyi, Union Minister of Education at the official launch of the Education Sector Reform Contract of the European Union with Myanmar.

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Great to learn about Education Development in Myanmar!