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Discussion details

Policy dialogue and consultation with civil society and local authorities are an important part of the European Union approach to international partnerships. As country, regional and thematic multi-annual indicative programmes are being developed to support EU international cooperation worldwide in the period 2021-2027, it is crucial to get input from civil society and local authority partners and stakeholders.

To this end the European External Action Service (EEAS), the Directorate-General for International Partnership of the European Commission (DG INTPA), in collaboration with the Policy Forum on Development will be hosting a virtual meeting on the future EU regional programme for Sub-Saharan Africa on 23 March at 13-16h CET. The webinar will provide an opportunity to discuss priorities and objectives of this programme within the context of the evolving partnership between Africa and Europe.

Background document below and here:

Council conclusions of 30 June 2020

Council conclusions of 16 October 2020

Comments (3)