
Participatory food systems assessments and youth
05/10. Youth transforming world’s food systems- (EU/CIRAD/FAO) Since 2020, national governments and food systems actors in 50 countries have collaborated with the EU, FAO and CIRAD to carry out participatory food systems...

Helping Bhutan to stay carbon negative
Climate change is no respecter of national boundaries. Although Bhutan is the only carbon-negative country on the planet, it nevertheless faces climate change impacts including erratic and unpredictable weather patterns, and...

The Light House of Hill : To Flourish Properly, Needs People Participation and Asset Based Development
Very nice shiny morning. The hills show their natural beauty. Suddenly clouds have come and surrounded the whole area. After ten minutes, clouds have gone and everything gets clearly visible. It seems that the hilly area...

Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL)
LoCAL is a global programme from the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) on climate change mainstreaming and finance at the local level. The programme aims to increase local governments’ access to climate finance to...

Question and Answers: CRISTAL Tool - Any experience to share?
Hello! I'm looking for experiences and tips on the use of the Community Based Risk Screening Tool - Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRISTAL), can anyone help me? Best wishes, Laura