Les femmes du voisinage Sud ont un rôle important à jouer pour changer les choses dans leur communauté, par le biais des sciences, de la technologie, de l'ingénierie et des mathématiques. L'UE soutient les jeunes entrepreneurs et...
Les femmes et la science dans la région du voisinage Sud de l'UE : leçons tirées de l'initiative THE NEXT SOCIETY
Women and science in the EU Southern Neighbourhood region: lessons learnt from THE NEXT SOCIETY initiative
Southern Neighbourhood women have an important role to affect change in their communities through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The EU supports young entrepreneurs and researchers to boost the region’s...
Gestion des migrations en Afrique orientale et australe pendant le COVID-19
Migration et développement vont de pair. Depuis la nuit des temps, les humains ont essayé de surmonter l'adversité et d'améliorer leurs conditions économiques et sociales en se déplaçant vers d'autres lieux. Les moyens de...
Migration management in Eastern and Southern Africa during COVID-19
Migration and development go hand in hand. Since the beginning of time, humans have tried to overcome adversity and improve their economic and social conditions by moving to other places. Modern communication and transportation...
Protecting Soil Fertility: Protecting Life
There is much discussion in the development arena about the struggle ahead to feed the seven plus billion, of the methods proposed towards food security, building resilience, safeguarding water resources and so on. But few stop to...
New Ways to Help Women Entrepreneurs Impact on MENA Economies
Participants at a high level panel discussion entitled, “Women Entrepreneurship to Reshape the Economy through Innovation in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA)” held during the 2012 European Development Days explored ways...
Southern Voice Welcomes Technical Cooperation Reform
Measures to reform how the European Commission delivers aid by rethinking approaches to technical cooperation, have been welcomed by a leading Southern representative in Aid Effectiveness, Talaat Abdel-Malek, recently appointed as...