The eleventh episode of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series is now live!

The eleventh episode of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series is now live!
On the occasion of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Capacity4dev team worked with the Delegation of the European Union in Malawi on a blog post on how to proactively engage young women graduates in EU-funded...
La educación digital puede ser un poderoso proveedor de igualdad, desarrollo personal y paz, especialmente en las regiones en conflicto. Entrevistamos a los equipos que hay detrás de dos programas de cooperación internacional con...
L'éducation numérique peut être un puissant vecteur d'égalité, de développement personnel et de paix, notamment dans les régions en conflit. Nous avons interviewé les équipes à l'origine de deux programmes de coopération...
Digital education can be a powerful purveyor of equality, personal development and peace, especially in conflict regions. We interviewed the teams behind two international cooperation programmes with impressive achievements in e...
Migration et développement vont de pair. Depuis la nuit des temps, les humains ont essayé de surmonter l'adversité et d'améliorer leurs conditions économiques et sociales en se déplaçant vers d'autres lieux. Les moyens de...
Migration and development go hand in hand. Since the beginning of time, humans have tried to overcome adversity and improve their economic and social conditions by moving to other places. Modern communication and transportation...
Access to quality education is vital for sustainable and equitable development. What strategies have some EU Delegations employed in helping partner countries address the major challenges to achieving SDG4?
After natural disasters a lot of funding goes into the humanitarian response – but it’s an inefficient way of funding what is essentially a chronic problem, according to expert Nicholas Freeland. Panelists from the European...
Young people are not just leaders of the future – they are leaders of today. With more than half the world’s population under 30, the vast majority in emerging and developing economies, young people have a crucial role to play in...