In our latest Ambassadors’ Blog Post, Janeth Morales reflects on South-South cooperation mechanisms implemented in Africa that aim to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), to “ensure inclusive and...

In our latest Ambassadors’ Blog Post, Janeth Morales reflects on South-South cooperation mechanisms implemented in Africa that aim to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), to “ensure inclusive and...
The Capacity4dev editorial team partnered with INTPA.G.1 and provides three best practices of the EU-funded "Regreening Africa".
Pour la protection des populations civiles, il est crucial que les troupes déployées dans les zones de guerre respectent le droit international des droits de l'homme (DIDH), le droit international humanitaire (DIH) et le droit des...
For the protection of civilian populations, it is crucial that troops deployed in war zones respect International Human Rights Law (IHRL), International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Refugee Law (IRL). This is...
A l’heure où l’humanité compte près d’1 million de morts du COVID-19, un monde retient son souffle, c’est celui de la culture. Les salles de cinémas, de spectacles, de théâtres ainsi que les musées, les opéras et les festivals...
At a time when humanity has lost nearly one million people to COVID-19, one sector is holding its breath: culture. Cinemas, theatres, museums, opera houses and festivals remain closed. Artists, entertainment workers and industry...
With over 3,500 migrants rescued from the desert and 15,000 assisted in returning home from dire situations across the Central Mediterranean routes, the first year of the EU-IOM joint initiative has yielded substantive results...
The EU Delegation has played a prominent role in Mali’s recovery as one of a group of international donors who together pledged €615 million to support the country. Cécile Tassin-Pelzer, who recently finished her posting to Mali...
Twelve months after French forces drove Islamic militants from northern Mali, a conference of international donors in Brussels has heard of progress, of socio-economic recovery, and reforms via decentralisation. Achievements...
By training informal workers in the waste management industry, the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is helping to formalise waste management economy in Mali, and to generate incomes.