
Sustainable wildlife management programme (multicountry)
In Gabon 🇬🇦, the SWM project activities, coordinated by CIRAD in collaboration with the local communities and the Ministry of Water and Forests, consist in fostering the sustainable management of village hunting and the local...

Business models for Climate Smart Agriculture: preliminary findings of the OSMARE Research Project, Eastern and Southern Africa
Published on the Food and Business Knowledge Platform on 19 August 2019, a factsheet showing the preliminary results of the Organizing business models for SMAllholder REsilience (OSMARE) Programme demonstrates that: Farmers and...

#InformalTalk: Q&A of Webinar 3, Upcoming Webinars 4 & 5!
Here are the questions which were asked during the third #InformalTalks Webinar on “ How to extend social protection to informal workers?” which took place last Thursday: When you mention disability insurance and programme for...

One year ago: First RNSF Regional Workshop
One year ago, from the 6 th to the 10 th February 2017, the first RNSF workshop was held in Kenya. It brought together members of the IESF Group (researchers, regional experts, public institutions, EU Delegations as well as CSOs)...

Social protection in informal economy Book: NGO's perspectives with Mupenzi Ejid, AJPRODHO–JIJUKIRWA
The book Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy drafted during the RNSF Regional Workshop held last February in Kenya involved a mixed group of researchers, regional experts, members of civil society...

Social protection in informal economy Book: INGO's perspectives with Felix Muramutsa, Winrock International
The book Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy drafted during the RNSF Regional Workshop held last February in Kenya involved a mixed group of researchers, regional experts, members of civil society...

Social protection in informal economy Book: INGO's perspectives with Lilyanne Ndinda, Oxfam UK in Kenya
The book Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy drafted during the RNSF Regional Workshop held last February in Kenya, involved a mixed group of researchers, regional experts, members of civil society...

Social protection in informal economy Book: State's perspectives with Winnie Mwasiaji, Kenya Social Protection Secretariat
The book Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy drafted during the RNSF Regional Workshop held last February in Kenya, involved a mixed group of researchers, regional experts, members of civil society...

Social protection in informal economy Book: INGO's perspectives with Anne Hoelscher, World Vision
The book Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy drafted during the RNSF Regional Workshop held last February in Kenya, involved a mixed group of researchers, regional experts, members of civil society...

Social Protection in Informal Economy Book: Unions' perspectives
The book Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy drafted during the RNSF Regional Workshop held last February in Kenya, involved a mixed group of researchers, regional experts, members of civil society...