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The European Year for Development 2015 (EYD2015) is the first ever European Year dedicated to the European Union's external issues and Europe’s role in the world. Every year since 1983, the EU has chosen a specific theme to encourage debate and dialogue within and between European countries. 2015 is also a milestone year for international development issues because of the political background as the world's targets for addressing extreme poverty -  the United Nations Millennium Development Goals - reach their deadline and negotiations by the world leaders on the future – post-2015 framework – take place.

During the year, CONCORD – the European NGO confederation for relief and development –coordinates an EC (EuropeAid) funded project the European Year for Development 2015 - Civil Society Alliance.

The Civil Society Alliance is mainly composed by European CSOs and NGOs working in different sectors, such as development, youth, environmental, gender equality, social, humanitarian. The CS Alliance:

  • Uses the EYD2015 as an opportunity to foster critical discussions on and engagement for global justice among the citizens of the European Union, involving different stakeholders in the discussion beyond the usual development sector.
  • Seeks to engage specific groups of citizens, including political actors, in critical discussions and public engagement at national and community level through NGOs, including well known and new constituencies/platforms and CSOs active in different fields
  • Organizes pan-European activities in dialogue and consultation with the EU institutions, aiming for a proper space and visibility of civil society organizations as key actors as well as achieving more effectiveness of the EYD2015
  • Collects and clusters citizens' input and propose policy recommendations to EU and national institutions.

The project started in January 2015 and the implementation will end in December 2015. The total budget of the project is approx. 1,17 Million Euros (the EC contribution is approx. 0,94 Million Euros). The project includes 17 sub-granted projects implemented at local, national and European levels with budgets from approx. 10,000 to 85,000 Euros.

Purpose of the evaluation

An external evaluation at the end of the project is foreseen to address the achievements of the project according to the requirements and guidelines set to an evaluation by the financier (EuropeAid). The evaluator will design the evaluation methodology and quantitatively, qualitatively and independently evaluate the project, in terms of the project’s objectives, as specified in the Description of Action, and general principles of project management – effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability. The evaluator will support the project by providing expert feedback, in particular related to the sub-granted activities of the project.

  • In particular, the external evaluator is foreseen, with specific reference to the diversity that exists within the project activities, to evaluate related to the success of the project:
    • Effectiveness of the project against its objectives;
    • Final impact of the project on beneficiaries;
    • Results reached at different levels by the project;
    • Quality of the implementation of the project activities;
    • Usefulness of the resources provided by the project;
    • Working methods, contribution and appropriateness of organizational structure within the CS Alliance
  • The external evaluator is foreseen to produce the final project evaluation in line with the requirements by the Grant contract.

The evaluation process:

The evaluator is intended to be appointed as soon as possible and by the beginning of December 2015.

The evaluation shall be done in cooperation with relevant stakeholders, such as CONCORD’s EYD2015 CS Alliance Secretariat, CONCORD’s Secretariat and Board (min. 3 persons); the Steering Group of the project (9 members), the sub-grantees (17 projects), other members of the CS Alliance (more than 120 members) and possible other key actors. The evaluation is foreseen to consist at least of desk research, participation in face-to-face and online (skype or other such online tools) meetings and events, reports and presentation of evaluation process and feedback, questionnaires, analysis, and face-to-face and online (skype or other such online tools) or telephone interviews.

The evaluator is foreseen to take part in and the evaluation process is foreseen to include and produce at minimum (non-exhaustive list) the following:

  • An initial face-to-face meeting with project secretariat in Brussels in the beginning of December 2015
  • Desk research to familiarize her/himself with the project and its key documents (existing or to be produced) e.g. including the project plans of sub-granted projects in December 2015
  • Close cooperation and minimum once per month online (skype or other such online tools) meeting with project secretariat to discuss the status of the evaluation process December 2015-March 2016
  • Participation in 1 day project event and Steering Group meeting including a presentation of the evaluation process in Luxembourg 9th December 2015 or later
  • Desk research and a minimum of 10 pages feedback regarding mid-term reports of 17 sub-granted projects in December 2015
  • Questionnaire to 17 sub-granted projects and analysis of feedback in December 2015-February 2016
  • Questionnaire to members of the Civil Society Alliance and analysis of feedback in December 2015-February 2016
  • Min. 10 interviews (by skype or other such means) with selected representatives of sub-grantees and other relevant stakeholders mentioned above and analysis of feedback in December 2015-February 2016
  • Organization of an online evaluation meeting/discussion together with project secretariat to the project’s Steering Group in December 2015-February 2016
  • Participation in online Steering Group meetings (once per month) presenting the status of the evaluation process according to the need in January-March 2016
  • Desk research and a minimum 10 pages of feedback regarding final reports of 17 sub-granted projects in February 2016
  • In addition to the above mentioned: a comprehensive and extensive draft evaluation report to the Steering Group by 26th February 2016
  • In addition to the above mentioned: a comprehensive and extensive final report to the Steering Group by 15th March 2016

Indicative timetable:

Submission of the offers Call extended until 4th December 2015
Contracting the evaluator 11th December 2015
Evaluation process period December 2015 - March 2016

Qualifications required: experience and knowledge, skills and abilities 

  • Demonstrated evaluation experience in relation to the EC (EuropeAid) funded projects/programmes
  • Demonstrated evaluation experience in relation to multi-stakeholder partnerships
  • Demonstrated experience of working with European projects/programmes
  • Knowledge of development, related concepts and European development landscape
  • Excellent research and analysis skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to produce quantitative and qualitative reports in English


A total budget of max. € 9,000 is foreseen for the evaluation. The evaluator bares full responsibility for all tax and financial obligations towards authorities. Travel and accommodation costs for participation in events listed in minimum requirements above will be reimbursed additionally from CONCORD’s EYD2015 project according to its reimbursement rules. All other expenses related to service are covered by evaluator.

Submission of an offer:

Please submit by email to CONCORD’s EYD2015 Project Coordinator Johanna Hakulinen – – the following:

  1. Presentation of the evaluator and past relevant experience/references about similar tasks and assignments, especially related to EC (EuropeAid) funded projects on Development & Development Education and Awareness Raising – (max. 2 pages)
  2. Presentation of the methodological approach for the evaluation of the project (max. 3 pages)

Closing date: 4th December 2015 at midnight (CET) (Call extended)

More information on the project:


The selection task force nominated by the Steering Group of the project will take the decision. All candidates providing an offer will be informed of the decision.