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One of the first aquariums to join the movement, the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and its Director, Robert Calcagno, welcomed this Thursday 27 July HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs And Fisheries, Erik Solheim, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme, Doug Cress, Chief Executive Officer of WAZA, as well as many other personalities for the official launch of the World Aquariums Against Marine wastes ".

On this occasion, the extraordinary work "Profanation" carried out in the heart of the aquarium of the Oceanographic Museum by the artist Philippe Pasqua, to raise awareness of marine pollution, was unveiled ...

The aquariums campaign is an EU contribution to the #CleanSeas campaign of the United Nations Environment Programme aimed at  engaging governments, the general public, civil society and the private sector in the fight against marine plastic litter. 

The HD photos of the event are available for download here: 

Attached is the press kit in English. It is also available in French.