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Posted on The Learning Space

The new Global Campus of Human Rights MOOC “Child Participation and the Right to a Sustainable Environment” asks children’s rights experts, environment specialists, human rights scholars and young climate activists to examine concepts, standards and practices of rights-based participation of children in environmental matters. Through free and open access to current knowledge and debates, the course speaks to a worldwide audience - and young people specifically - to inform those who are seeking human rights guidance, encourage those who are curious to know more, support those who are already acting, and ultimately boost effective change.

The MOOC is free and open to participants around the world, including children and young people, who are actively interested and engaged in children’s rights work and wish to deepen their knowledge about the theory and practice of child participation in environmental matters and related developments.

Course dates: 31 May – 11 July 2021
Enrolment deadline: 27 June 2021
For more information, contact the Global Campus at or visit