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Posted on The Learning Space

Regime change and the transition from one regime type and mode of governance to another do not say much about whether a regime is democratic or whether the rule of law, human rights, or good governance principles are adhered to. What consolidates and successfully transforms democratic institutions into ‘stable democracies’ are the pathways of participatory, inclusive, and trustworthy adherence and compliance with democratic rules and human rights.

The new Global Campus MOOC on Transitology – Pathways to and from Democracy analyses examples of political transitions and regime changes in different world regions, by asking crucial questions: how do countries and political regimes successfully democratise? And what are the causes of democratic backsliding? How do democracies die, and how do they recover, if at all?

Course dates: 20 February – 26 March 2023

Free enrolment until 12 March 2023

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