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Ecosystem management of water-soil, forests, plains, mountains, and wetlands is the foundation of interconnection, ensuring more healthy food and a better environment. For example, vibrant rivers, lakes and watershed environments support urban-rural life; Forests, lakes, and streams in mountainous areas ensure agricultural production in plains; Water, soil and mineral resources, as well as greener energy management maintain socio-economic development...... In changing climate and weather conditions, urban and agricultural soil health management, watershed environment and resource management, are facing joint challenges and solution gaps.

The Green Gold Sessions on Agri-Food (GGS-AF) is a multi-actor-territorial capacity building activity launched by Knowledge@Terra Classrooms in 2023, in order to improve info management in green-circular economic development, and to fill operational gaps in climate investment-finance. The research and testing of communication tools integrate high-quality innovation in sectoral technology, standard-certification and  regional development, promoting more diverse, efficient and fairer "green and healthy transition". 

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On 12th and 14th April 2023, the first on-offline Green Gold Sessions on Agri-Food (GGS-AF) was held in the spring campus of Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS) in the Fengxian District. The organizer [Natureherit DC and the Knowledge@Terra Classrooms (K@T)] and co-organizer [Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Information, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS-IASTI)]  defined the theme of "Water-Soil▪Mountain-Forest▪Wetland", that are key themes of , referring to selected World-Day themes between December and March. -- These are key factors of natural eco system management of agri-food sectoral chains, as well as central themes of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030

The host and co-organizer, Mr. Li Ying, Vice Director of Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Information, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS-IASTI), welcomed on-offline speakers and audience, introduced Shanghai City and the SAAS, one of the oldest Academy of Agricultural Sciences in China. Representing the organizer - Natureherit DC and the Knowledge@Terra Classrooms, the moderator, Ms. Xiaoying Liu, spatial planning consultant, expert member of Sino-EU Panel on Land & Soil (SEPLS 2018-2022) introduced the start of the Green Gold Sessions on Agri-Food and the session theme. 

In the following two days, 12 speakers from 7 countries - China, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, India and The Netherlands - presented themselves. They are from international organisations, research institutes and technical innovation companies. Their presentations covered policy-practice solutions and technical solutions, as well as key indicator systems and social-economic involvement over "Soil-Mountain-Forestry" and "Water-Wetland". 

It is delightful that, through precise knowledgeable and science-based narrations of the speakers, various global-regional problems and solutions on the ground have been discussed preliminarily. These showed great potentials to establish linkages between different cultures and disciplines, that shared great interests with on-offline participants. 



Below is the summary of the first Green Gold Sessions on Agri-Food. The following innovative measures have been applied, in order to help stakeholders from different regions to exchange policy-practice and technical solutions, integrate scientific data-info foundation of regions, sectors, projects and technological development, and convert to their own needs for storytelling, reporting and presentation:

- Document high-quality multi-lingual speaker presentations and content dissemination

- Summarize Observation Notes (ON) that collect official data from key international & regional reports etc.;

- Test communication technologies (IoT and AI etc.), laying foundation for innovation mechanism and technical standardization of reporting-disclosure

Valuable opinions from all session participants and summary readers are very welcomed!


  • GGS-AF Theme 2023-I "Water-Soil▪Mountain-Forest▪Wetland" | Opening speech

❏ Mr. Li Ying, Vice Director of Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Information, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS-IASTI)

Presentation video link:


  • GGS-AF Theme 2023-IA "Soil▪Mountain-Forest" | Presentation summary

More details: 

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Speakers are from Italy, China, Switzerland and India:

❏ Prof. Pandi Zdruli, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM), Italy / Mission Board Member for Soil Deal for Europe Mission  
100 Living Labs and Lighthouses to support transition towards healthy soils in Europe by 2030 
❏ Prof. Baoguo Li, College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University (CAU-CLST) / National Institute of Modern Black Soil Agriculture 
Changes in cultivated land quality and conser vation tillage of black soil in China   
❏ Dr. Jacques Gabriel Fuchs, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) / Swiss Chinese Herbal Medicine and Functional Food Innovation Center (SwissHerb)  
Effect of Compost on Soil Fertility and Plant Health (recording)   
❏ Prof. Hanlin Zhang, Eco-Environmental Protection Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS-EEPRI)   
Eco-efficient agricultural methods in Shanghai, enhancing yield quality & biodiversity   
❏ Dr. Lakshmi Gopakumar, expert member for the Global Assessment of Soil Pollution, UN-FAO, Sree Narayana Guru Open University (SNGO), Kerala, India   
Indicator-based soil assessment in home garden agroecosystems, case study from Kerala State, India   
❏ Prof. Wang Yixiang, College of Carbon Neutrality, Zhejiang Agricultural & Forestry University (ZAFU-CCN) 
Value assessment and realization of Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) in mountain-forest regions -- Case study of Guimen Township, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province


  • GGS-AF Theme 2023-IA "Water-Wetland" | Presentation summary

More details: 

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Speakers are from Germany, China, The Netherlands and Spain:

❏ Dr. Thomas Schaefer, Living Lakes Network, Global Nature Fund (GNF)
An overview of challenges and solutions for lake-river and catchment management around the world   
❏ Prof. Li Ping, Institute of Farmland Irrigation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS-IFI)) / Water Environment Factor Risk Assessment Laboratory for Agricultural Product Quality Safety, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China | Dr. Zulin Zhang, Senior Research Scientist, James Hutton Institute (JHI), UK: 
Research and Perspectives on Agricultural Resource Utilization of Reclaimed Water
❏ Mr. Han Su, Water Footprint Network (WFN) / University of Twente (UT), The Netherlands 
Introduction over Water Footprint Data and Sustainable Agri-Food Management   
❏ Prof. Fuxing Liu, Eco-Environmental Protection Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS-EEPRI)
All-process ecological interception technology and application over farmland non-point source pollution   
❏ Prof. Héctor Moreno Ramón, Technical University of Valencia (Universitat Politècnica de València UPV), Spain
Water-soil Interactions in coastal wetland soils in the rice farms and Albufera Lake, Valencia
❏ Mr. Xiaoyong Li, Enterpreneur representative of Jingjinji National Center of Technology Innovation (JNCTI) / GreenTech Hebei Company  
Integral resource utilization of rural domestic & industrial sewage water, cases from Jingjinji (Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei) Region


  •  Observation Notes (ON)

In order to assist interactions between Green Gold Sessions results and open data domains, Observation Notes (ON)are summaries as updating datasets by experts, that are invited by the organizers to read, site and summarize present international and regional reports, as well as authorized open data, providing necessary knowledge-data and reference paths for reporting-disclosure of green transition and climate investment-finance, Observation Notes of this session are as follows: 

ON 2023-I:Global greenhouse gas emission and climate change state 

ON 2023-IA. Global greenhouse gas emission

ON 2023-IB. Several key climate change indicators of the ocean and sea 

1. Greenhouse gas emission level; 2. Global temperature rise, Ocean Heat Content OHC and Marine Heatwaves MHWs; 3. Glacier melting and sea level rise; 4. ocean ecological decline

ON 2023-IC. Extreme weather events / Damages & disasters 

ON 2023-ID. Global glasshouse gas emission & climate investment-finance gaps 



More info: 

Announcement & Intro: Green Gold Sessions on Agri-Food

GGS-AF 2023-IA:“Soil-Mountain-Forest”

April 12th, 2023  CET 9:00-11:30 | BJ Time 15:00-17:30

Organizer: Natureherit DC & Knowledge@Terra Classrooms (K@T) 

Co-Organizer: Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Information, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS-IASTI)

Offline Location: Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS), 2nd Floor, Library of  Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Information, Building 3, Wangyuan Road 1150, Shanghai, China 

Publication and dissemination: Knowledge@Terra Classrooms @ EU Capacity4dev Platform, a.o. Capacity4Dev is the European Commission’s knowledge sharing platform for International Cooperation and Development.


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