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The Learn4dev annual meeting was the perfect occasion to exchange with colleagues on new trends and capacity challenges. Below you will find inspiring keynote messages from two of the guest speakers:

  • Sanjay Pradhan, World Bank Group Vice President for Change, Leadership and Innovation and previously Vice President leading the World Bank Institute.
  • Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Adviser at Oxfam GB and author of From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States can Change the World and the From Poverty to Power blog.






Comments (2)

Thanks for sharing these key points. Sanjay Pradhan puts trust in dedicated platform(s) (created by Worldbank) for delivering enabling environment and culture of learning and innovation.

The reality now is that social media platforms out there provide already a lot of untapped - free - to use - potential. In a culture fostering local ownership, we must be aware that most knowledge is outside the World Bank and other international organisations, including NGO's. It is local, in local languages ..

Tappping that local knowledge at a massive scale needs a culture shift - Duncan Green describes some of the features and "requirements" of a locally responsive "learning for development" capability. 

How to leverage the available social media and internet technology in a locally responsive, engaged and owned manner, yet aligned with global knowledge sources (ref. Stiglitz vision during his time at the World Bank), and at a massive scale?

My "five year" exploration of the answer to this question is described at a page where I also embedded (the tweet with) the video:

Key cultural changes include:

- publishers tag their contributed content in accordance with global standards that have a local reach (ref. Mundaneum idea - check Actor Atlas #tag pivots to look up tag for any content in seconds, currently -as proof of concept- provided in 10 languages, based on ISIC, COFOG classifications, SDG goals and targets, ISO country codes, and local government codes (#WWlgu) based on their identification by national statistics offices.

- "public" sector and "grant-based charity" do no longer look down upon promotional needs of real business - healthy local business needs promotion; If private sector has to be engaged for implementing the sustainable development goals, the needs of local private sector must not be neglected by policies of all kinds.

- better articulation and "free access guarantee" to "knowledge commons" (content commons is a better term) with local ownership of locally relevant "knowledge economy assets"; we must be aware that by the characteristics of content on the internet,  knowledge economy (rooted in universally accessible commons) can be kick started at a fraction of the cost of any other infrastructure - explanation how at: 

Duncan Green nice slogan: "moving from the planner mentality to the surfing mentality"

He means: ..instead of spending months (if not years..) devising the perfect project, and then implementing it for 3 years..