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Discussion details

Admissions to the Seminar“Public Health and Human Rights – Current Challenges and Possible Solutions” (19 May 2016), organised by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) are open until 25 April 2016.

The issue of global health governance, which deals with the question how to regulate efficiently a panoply of actors in global health, such as international organisations, States, NGOs (including philanthropic foundations), private-public partnerships, pharmaceutical companies, individuals and others. The seminar on public health and human rights will host some of the world’s most renowned experts on health related human rights. Their presentations will be organized in three panels. Presentations in each panel will be followed by an interactive discussion with other participants.

Key-Note Lecturer: Anand Grover. He is a designated Senior Advocate, practicing in the Supreme Court of India, the Director of the HIV/AIDS Unit of Lawyer’s Collective (India), and the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on health (2008-2014).

Target: the seminar is open to all the people with a strong interest in the study of the link between Human Rights and Public Health. It is especially conceived for professionals who work in fields where this link is particularly strong: employees of national Health Ministries in the European Union and beyond, representatives of Pharmaceutical Companies, functionaries and officials of International Organizations and members of NGOs working in the public health sector. It is also addressed to professional doctors having an interest in the Human Rights policies about public health and to scholars with a background in public health, philosophy and ethics, medical law and social sciences.

Eligibility:lectures are conceived for participants with a general interest in Human Rights and some basic knowledge in Public Health.

Seminar Language:all lectures will be held in English.

Enrolment fee for the seminar amounts to € 260,00 with no accommodation, or € 360,00 with accommodation for 1night (night 18 May – departures 19 May 2016). If you choose the option with no accommodation, the enrolment fee will include: tuition fee and lunch on seminar day. If you choose the option with accommodation, the enrolment fee will include: tuition fee, lunch on seminar day and accommodation in a single room in a hotel on the Lido for 1 night.

Interested candidates should register by compiling the online application form.

For any query about the seminar please contact us at