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We are happy to announce three publications which cover topics relevant to EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) preparations and greater inclusion of oil palm smallholders in sustainable supply chains in Indonesia, developed by the European Forest Institute's KAMI project.

These publications contain useful information regarding access to EUDR-relevant information and solutions to increase oil palm smallholder inclusion in EU supply chains. They can also inform work in other countries and on other EUDR-relevant commodities.

Joint gap assessment of the EUDR information needs and information availability from the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification – developed with the ISPO Secretariat, this report compares information collected as part of ISPO certification to information required by EU operators under the EUDR; identifies information gaps; and proposed adjustments to the ISPO certification to further align with EUDR information needs.

Strengthening sustainable oil palm plantation governance through the Revenue-Sharing Fund for Oil Palm Plantations (DBH Sawit) – the Revenue-Sharing Fund for Palm Oil Plantations (Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) Sawit) offers a means to strengthen sustainable palm oil production and through adjustments proposed in the brief, its role could be further optimised.

The feasibility of establishing district-level registries of palm oil producers in Indonesia – an examination of how district registries of palm oil plantations and mills in Indonesia could demonstrate legality and sustainability and raise the profile of responsible supply chain actors.

We invite you to read the publications to gain valuable insights into these important topics. 

#PalmOil #Sustainability #EUDeforestationRegulation #Indonesia #EUCompliance #EFI #SupplyChain